Waking Up to Climate Change

“Between 2030 and 2050, climate change is expected to cause approximately 250 000 additional deaths per year” (Climate change and health).  Moreover, “more than five million extra deaths a year can be attributed to abnormal hot and cold temperatures” (Guo). Ironically, we are at the height of our so-called “development,”, posing as the apex predator, the pinnacle of living beings on Earth. Nevertheless, this precise arrogance as well as our relentless drive for gain has blinded us from the hurt, we are inflicting on Earth. Now more than ever, we are responsible for realizing the uncomfortable truth of our “development” and taking immediate action to correct climate change. By virtue of the United Nations, nonetheless, climate change is addressed through the Sustainable Development Goals, or SDGs. Associated with Goal 3, 7, 9,11,13, and 15 of the UN Sustainability Goals, climate action is imperative to Planet Earth as “climate-related disasters between 1998 and 2017 killed 1.3 million people and left 4.4 billion injured” (Goal 13: Climate Action). Of course, we cannot “command z” the ruins produced by human activities on Earth’s climate—yet people have ample time to prevent its worst impacts. Hence, every degree of temperature increase is worth avoiding for the prosperity of our planet and future. Should proper precautions not be taken at present, climate change could engulf the world. Thus, we must conquer climate change through instant and dedicated courses.  


How does climate change influence biodiversity? 


Climate change demands immediate and ambitious action since left unchecked, it threatens biodiversity, the variety of life which bears human and societal needs. Severe climate, warming oceans, and hotter temperatures exceed the tolerance thresholds of flora and fauna, resulting in mass extinction. For instance, according to the World Wildlife Organization, “Wildlife populations in Latin America and the Caribbean declined 94% between 1970 to 2016 (Shaw). Climate change drastically reduces biodiversity; the loss of biodiversity would threaten the structure and function of the ecosystem, ultimately affecting humans in terms of natural resources. To put into perspective, a reduction in plants would hinder the advancement of medicine: “more than 80% of the developing world continues to rely on traditional medicines, predominantly plants (Shanley). As the population of plants is dwindling, we are losing the means to cope with various diseases. In short, without the presence of biodiversity, homo sapiens would cease to thrive. 


Biodiversity is merely a fraction of the problems caused by climate change.  


Climate Change Impacts

Climate change affects world citizens environmentally, medically, and economically. To illustrate, “sea level rise has accelerated from 1.7mm/year throughout most of the twentieth century to 3.2mm/year since 1993” (Climate Change Impacts). Some fatal effects of rising sea levels include “erosion of beaches, flooding, and loss of many marshes and wetlands” (Hurricanes and Climate Change). Along with catalyzing extreme weather phenomenon, sea level rise situates island nations in vulnerability. According to NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) reports, namely “80% of Maldives could become uninhabitable by 2050” (Manzo). Maldives, a modern-day Atlantis, is fading out of Earth’s framework accompanied by several coastal nations. As a result of drastic environmental changes such as rising sea levels, humans and other species would struggle to maintain stability in their dwellings.

Figure 1 displays simulated image of Maldives underwater. Image source



Furthermore, global temperature escalation could ultimately jeopardize public health and safety, water resources, and ecosystems. An analysis by NASA indicates that without significant action to reduce emissions, global temperature would rise by “2.5 °C to 4.5 °C by 2100″ (Is it too late to prevent climate change?)

Figure 2 illustrates rise in Global Surface Temperature. Image source

For instance, civilians are at risk as “higher temperatures increase heat-related illnesses and conveniently ignite wildfire” (Heat and Health). Since heat-related syndromes proliferate, demand of medications to treat those syndromes will undoubtedly surge. Nonetheless, increased temperatures halt production of remedies; specifically, plant diversity is diminishing because of climate change. Beggs, an Environmental Health Scientist, asserts that “increases in UV radiation from stratospheric ozone depletion…lead to an increased sensitivity to the damaging effects of UV radiation, such as photosensitivity [on medicine]” (Beggs). In simple English, medicine development is hampered by temperature upsurges. This undeniably reveals that rise in global temperature imperils our public health.

In addition, changes in weather and climate patterns directly put our health at risk. Not surprisingly, “heat is one of the leading weather-related killers in the United States, resulting in hundreds of fatalities every year” (Severe Weather Awareness-Heat Waves). To illustrate, “warmer sea surface temperatures could intensify tropical storm wind speeds” (Hurricanes and Climate Change). Allowing wildfires to spark more conveniently, dry conditions set large landscapes on fire and causing mass casualties.  


In fact, to avoid heat exhaustion, many would employ electricity to remain cool and comfortable.  Consequently, our electricity bills are becoming increasingly burdensome. Specifically in the United States, “if the nation’s climate warms by 1.8°F, the demand for energy used for cooling is expected to increase by about 5-20%” (Climate Impacts on Energy). Do we want to carry a financial burden in surplus to environmental and medical hindrances? Due to the fact that electricity burns fossil fuels, we would be trapped in this vicious cycle of climate dystopia.  



As such, climate change affects us in every aspect: our environment, medical needs, and financial loads. Nevertheless, effects of climate change depend on our transformational action taken to reduce emissions and adapt to the climate. There are many solutions to combat the devastating impacts of climate change. Should we be resilient and ambitious, we can prevent the worst in the future. 


Realistic Approaches to Climate Change

In recent years, the greenhouse effect has been criticized for its principal influence on climate change. Michael E. Mann, a Professor of Meteorology, affirms that “concentrations of greenhouse gases…have driven substantial climate changes at a wide range of timescales” (Mann). 


It is not surprising that greenhouse gas concentrations have intensified since the Industrial Revolution due to advancements in automation. Moreover, greenhouse gases—carbon dioxide, methane, and water vapor—derive from “a variety of human activities, including burning fossil fuels for heat and energy, clearing forests, fertilizing crops, storing waste in landfills, raising livestock, and producing some kinds of industrial products” (Basics of Climate Change). 

Hence, if we curb our emission of greenhouse gases, the rise in global temperatures would begin to flatten within a few years. Although completely ceasing to emit greenhouse gases is implausible, methods do exist to reduce the greenhouse effect.  


One efficient solution is sustainable transportation. Transportation accounts for “27% of 2020 Greenhouse gas emissions” (Sources of Greenhouse Gas Emissions). The United States Environmental Protection Agency further asserts that “over 90% of the fuel used for mobility is petroleum-based, including primarily gasoline and diesel” (Sources of Greenhouse Gas Emissions). Yet, the combustion of petroleum-based products results in the majority of greenhouse gases, such as carbon dioxide. Notwithstanding the exorbitant greenhouse emissions, some continue to drive planet-slaying vehicles. Instead of engaging in such irresponsibility, global citizens must strive towards sustainable transportation, which is more economic as well as environmentally friendly. Most importantly, it is a realistic solution. Sustainable transportation refers to “any means of transportation that is ‘green’ and has a low impact on the environment…Sustainable transportation includes walking, cycling, transit, carpooling, car sharing, and green vehicles” (Sustainable Transportation). Undeniably, most sustainable transportation does not discharge immoderate concentrations of carbon dioxide. Therefore, people should replace petroleum-based mobility with sustainable transportation, which reduces the negative impacts of greenhouse gases on our planet. 


Another method that can be immediately employed to alleviate climate change is renewable energy. Electricity releases copious amounts of carbon dioxide into our atmosphere: “25% of U.S. greenhouse gas emissions come from generating electricity…60% of electricity comes from burning fossil fuels, mostly coal and natural gas” (Sources of Greenhouse Gas Emissions). Thus, we must find an alternative to reduce electricity emissions. Harnessing the power of the wind, sun, water, and other planetary resources to produce power, renewable energy is a likely substitute for electricity is renewable energy. Renewable energy ideally replaces electricity, as it “emits[s] about 50g or less CO2 emissions per kWh over [its] lifetime, compared to about 1000 g CO2/kWh for coal and 475 g CO2/kWh for coal natural gas” (Tierney). Of course, some may argue that ‘renewables can still cause pollution’, yet in the long term, renewable energy is far less contaminating than burning fossil fuels.  Hence, our planet relies on us to invest more in renewable energy.  



Unfortunately, climate change cannot be fixed within a short period. Yet, if we opt for pessimism and neglect our ongoing climate change issues, our planet will retaliate with irreversible consequences. Climate change pleads our devoted and instant attention, before ice caps dematerialize and entire nations are wiped out. Most importantly, what we must realize is that climate change is not an abstract occurrence only affecting remote Arctic areas. On the very contrary, every aspect of our lives, ranging from medicine to the economy, will be directly and adversely affected by environmental changes. However, not all hope is lost. There are various methods to thwart detrimental outcomes: displacing petroleum-based vehicles to sustainable transportation and investing in renewable energy.  


In the end, the prophecy of our civilization will depend on whether global citizens cooperate through the efforts of adaptation and mitigation or not. 

Works Cited

Beggs, Paul J. “Impacts of Climate and Climate Change on Medications and Human Health.” National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health, 24 Dec. 2000, www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6155474/. Accessed 2 June 2022.

Buis, Alan. “A Degree of Concern: Why Global Temperatures Matter.” NASA: Climate Change and Global Warming, Earth Science Communications Team at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory, 19 June 2019, climate.nasa.gov/news/2865/a-degree-of-concern-why-global-temperatures-matter/. Accessed 2 June 2022.

Center for Climate and Energy Solutions. “Hurricanes and Climate Change.” C2ES: Center for Climate and Energy Solutions, Center for Climate and Energy Solutions, www.c2es.org/content/hurricanes-and-climate-change/#:~:text=Warmer%20sea%20surface%20temperatures%20could,by%20up%20to%2010%20percent. Accessed 2 June 2022.

Guo, Yuming. “World’s Largest Study of Global Climate Related Mortality Links 5 Million Deaths a Year to Abnormal Temperatures.” Monash Educational, 2022 Monash University, 8 July 2021, www.monash.edu/medicine/news/latest/2021-articles/worlds-largest-study-of-global-climate-related-mortality-links-5-million-deaths-a-year-to-abnormal-temperatures. Accessed 2 June 2022.

Lindsey, Rebecca. “Climate Change: Global Sea Level.” Climate.gov, 14 Aug. 2020, www.climate.gov/news-features/understanding-climate/climate-change-global-sea-level. Accessed 2 June 2022.

Mann, Michael. “Greenhouse Gas.” Britannica, Encyclopædia Britannica, www.britannica.com/science/greenhouse-gas. Accessed 2 June 2022.

Manzo, Daniel. “Facing Dire Sea Level Rise Threat, Maldives Turns to Climate Change Solutions to Survive.” ABC News, ABC News Internet Ventures, 3 Nov. 2021, abcnews.go.com/International/facing-dire-sea-level-rise-threat-maldives-turns/story?id=80929487. Accessed 2 June 2022.

National Weather Service Milwaukee/Sullivan. “Severe Weather Awareness-Heat Waves.” National Weather Service, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) branch of the Department of Commerce, www.weather.gov/mkx/heatwaves#:~:text=Extreme%20heat%20is%20the%20number,more%20than%201%2C250%20people%20died. Accessed 2022.

Shaw, Rebecca. “68% Average Decline in Species Population Sizes since 1970, Says New WWF Report.” World Wildlife Organization, 2022 World Wildlife Fund, 9 Sept. 2020, www.worldwildlife.org/press-releases/68-average-decline-in-species-population-sizes-since-1970-says-new-wwf-report#:~:text=Washington%2C%20D.C.%2C%20Sept.%209%2C%202020%20%E2%80%93%20Globally%2C%20monitored,fared%20worst%2C%20with%20an%20average%20decline%20of%2094%25. Accessed 2 June 2022.

Tiernay, Susan, and Lori Bird. “Setting the Record Straight about Renewable Energy.” World Resources Institude, 2022 World Resources Insitude, 12 Mar. 2020, www.wri.org/insights/setting-record-straight-about-renewable-energy.

United Nations. “Goal 13: Take Urgent Action to Combat Climate Change and Its Impacts.” United Nations Organization, United Nations, www.un.org/sustainabledevelopment/climate-change/. Accessed 2 June 2022.

United States Environmental Protection Agency. “Basics of Climate Change.” EPA: United States Environmental Protection Agency, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, National Risk Management Research Laboratory, www.epa.gov/climatechange-science/basics-climate-change#:~:text=Key%20Greenhouse%20Gases,-Most%20of%20the&text=Greenhouse%20gases%20come%20from%20a,some%20kinds%20of%20industrial%20products. Accessed 2 June 2022.

—. “Climate Change Impacts.” EPA: United States Environmental Protection Agency, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, National Risk Management Research Laboratory, 19january2017snapshot.epa.gov/climate-impacts/climate-impacts-energy_.html#:~:text=If%20the%20nation’s%20climate%20warms,by%20about%203%2D15%25. Accessed 2 June 2022.

—. “Sources of Greenhouse Gas Emissions.” EPA: United States Environmental Protection Agency, United States Environmental Protection Agency, www.epa.gov/ghgemissions/sources-greenhouse-gas-emissions#:~:text=Transportation%20(27%25%20of%202020%20greenhouse,ships%2C%20trains%2C%20and%20planes.

Vaughan. “Sustainable Transportation.” Vaughan, City of Vaughan, www.vaughan.ca/projects/projects_and_studies/sustainable_transportation/Pages/default.aspx. Accessed 2 June 2022.

World Health Organization. “Climate Change.” World Health Organization, www.who.int/health-topics/climate-change#tab=tab_1. Accessed 2 June 2022.

—. “Heat and Health.” World Health Organization, 1 June 2018, www.who.int/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/climate-change-heat-and-health. Accessed 2 June 2022.

—. “WHO Global Centre for Traditional Medici.” World Health Organization International, World Health Organization, www.who.int/initiatives/who-global-centre-for-traditional-medicine/. Accessed 2 June 2022.


13 -> 50

“No taxation without representation!”

-James Otis-

The American Revolution was largely due to taxes and duties imposed by the British Parliament to pay the debt caused by the 7 Years’ War. The British Parliament wanted more revenue from the colonies for defending the 13 colonies in the war. Thus, the parliament began imposing several heavy taxes upon the colonies. The video underscores several acts charged by the British Parliament such as the Sugar Act, Stamp Act, Declaratory Act and the Townshend Acts.  Colonial opposition grew as the bond colonies infracted the British Parliament’s laws and policies. Phrases such as ‘No taxation without representation’ prospered as an anti-British propaganda. Ultimately, Common Sense by Thomas Paine served as a legendary propaganda which argued independence for the American colonies from Britain. As the Declaration of Independence was adopted by the Continental Congress on July 4, 1776, the 13 American colonies gained constitutional liberal democracy. From 13 colonies in the 1750s, there are now 50 states in the United States of America.

Enjoy the video!

Link to Declaration of Independence Image


“bts of your food”

*bts= behind the scene

Chew On This by Eric Scholosser investigates everything ‘behind the scene’ of fast foods: where fast food comes from, who makes it, what’s in it, and what happens when people eat it.

Eric Scholosser believes that people should make a difference as consumers are deceived by the fast-food industry’s cunning approaches. In this book, there are stunning individuals who demonstrates how to become a better well-being by defying the malicious lure of fast foods. The fast-food manufacturers employ several astute marketing strategies and implants a fast food anticipation in our minds. We envision a creamy, yet frothy drink made by pure milk with exquisite ice cream with tempting vanilla flavors. Yet, what does a strawberry milkshake in fast food restaurants contain? Just 40 different chemical additives to boost its aroma. yum yum mMmMm. Furthermore, some companies sends schools ‘educational’ materials to be assigned in the classroom. For instance, Kellogg’s ‘Kids Get Going With Breakfast’ program enriches the Kellgogg’s cereals by saying that cereals are low in fat, ‘Go ahead and enjoy them’. However, the companies often purposefully forgets to boast the amount of sugar in Kellgogg’s cereal. This nonfiction book explains every-tiny-juicy detail about fast-food manufacturers. It story-tells the pioneers of fast foods, the cunning marketing strategies, the concealed recipe, the inhumane treatment in the slaughterhouse, and how various people have responded to the fast food industry. I personally chose this book because I wanted the book to stimulate me to have a better diet. I strongly recommend “Chew On Thus” to readers who are passionate about food and want to explore the untold truths about what goes in your belly.

The initial theme I developed throughout my book was : Fast food companies deceives the customers through cunning strategies to earn profit. I made a mind-web to track down the ‘marketing hacks’ the fast food industry utilizes. As I digged in the book deeper, I connected my initial theme to other themes as well.


I noticed that the author of Chew On This, Eric Schlosser, mentions how the obesity rate has escalated compared to the past . I used this cause-and-effect page to develop my new central idea. This cause-and-effect page was SO convenient in prioritizing the evidence for my theme statement.

Here, I narrowed my central idea: The author believes that the fast food industry deceives consumers to earn profit as the obesity rate is escalating in our modern world. I tracked the evidence for the growth of obesity rate and the fast food industry’s cunning use of marketing strategies.

As I dived deeper into the book, I noticed how serious fast food can deteriorate people’s health. I was stunned by how fast foods can possibly lead to death. I analyzed the causes and effects of how fast food can sicken humans-even to death. For instance, the smell coming from ground beef includes hydrogen sulfide and ammonia. When large concentrations of hydrogen sulfide are gathered, it can afflict humans and lead to death. Please check out how these food can trouble you for your sake!

“Chew On This” primarily focused in the fatal effects of ground beef. I was speechless by the horrifying conditions in slaughterhouses. I began developing deeper questions such as ‘who should be held responsible for deaths by fast foods’. Here are some of the appalling quotes I found throughout the chapter ‘Beef’, page 117 to 154.

“Many workers make the same knife cut every two or three seconds, which adds to about 10,000 cuts in an eight-hour shift…Meatpacking workers frequently develop back problems, shoulder problems, wrist pain and ‘trigger finger’ (an injury in which a finger becomes locked in a curled position)”(Schlosser 143).

“Many workers… are reluctant to complain…Many are illegal immigrants who lack the proper documents to be in the United States. That means they can be fired without warning, for just about any reason “(Schlosser 145).

“US Government cannot order a meat-packing company to remove contaminated, potentially lethal ground beef from fast food kitchens and supermarkets- even if that meat can kill children”(Schlosser 148).

“A single animal infected with E.Coli0157:H7 can contaminate 15,000 kg of that ground beef “(Schlosser 150).

“The pens are so crowded that piglets, which are friendly by nature, start biting each other’s tails. To prevent injuries and infections, workers now cut the tails off “(Schlosser 151).

After I reread some parts of my book, I researched some terms I found confusing yet intriguing. These terms connect with other terms because most of them relate to the ‘untold truth of fast food companies’. I never knew there was E.Coli in ground beef and how the ‘mad cow disease’ are caused when a cattle eats a cattle.

In the end, I uncovered another theme for Chew On This. The last chapter of my book focused on heroic individuals who changed the poor quality of food in some parts of the world. While the fast-food industry continues to evolve, people should take courageous acts that would address the the poor condition of the fast food industry. The solution can begin now.

“Think about where the food came from, about how and where it was made, about what is set in notion by every single fast food purchase, the ripple near and far. Think about it. Then place your order. Or turn and walk out the door. It’s not too late. Even in a fast food nation, you can still have it your way”(Schlosser 199).

Banner made with canva

thug is not drug.

The Hate U Give by Angie Thomas is about a teenage girl, Starr Carter, who grapples with racism, police brutality, and activism after witnessing her black friend murdered by the police. In “The Hate U Give”, Angie Thomas believes people code switches when encountering identity issues to fit in their surroundings.

Code-Switching in The Hate U Give

At Williamson Prep, Starr transforms herself into an entirely new version of herself, altering their inflection, vocabulary, and dress based on whether they are talking to fellow residents of Garden Heights, white people, or law enforcement. Starr alters herself so that she does not appear “ghetto” to her classmates and friends.

Starr’s family also code-switches throughout the book. For instance, when they visit the National News Interview, the family dresses nicely to ensure that their accounts are taken seriously and not disregarded as “hood rats”. Furthermore, Starr’s mom demands that they “do not touching anything and only speak when somebody speaks to you. It’s ‘yes ma’am’ and ‘yes sir,’ or ‘no ma’am’ and ‘no sir’”.

Humanist OR Human-ish

humanist 101 by Jia.lee

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Humanists studied humanities. I also study humanities and learn new ideas at school. We are also taught grammar, rhetoric, history, and ethics. I firmly uphold this view since learning humanities allows individuals to discover a new way of life.
Moreover, humanists learned about new ideas. They valued asking inquiring questions while building upon new ideas. I firmly agree with the humanist view of asking probing questions to learn about new ideas. Asking inquiring questions would deepen critical thinking skills and foster credible ideas. Humanists stressed individualism; they believed individual achievement should be prized more than class or family. I firmly agree with this humanist view since an individual’s status should never determine the individual’s life. Instead, their effort should be appraised more than their status.
Furthermore, humanists tried to improve work on Greek and Roman art. While we do not propose new ideas about observation and experimentation, we observe various ideas at school. I strongly believe in this humanist idea of observation and experimentation since it can bring profound knowledge and novelty to concepts.

What is ‘humanism’ in the Renaissance?

What is individualism?

What is humanism?

Bass VS. Bat

The found poem above was taken from pages 3 to 4 of the short story “Bass, The River, and Shelia Mant” by WD Wetherell. This story indicates an internal conflict between the protagonist and the antagonist, the narrator and himself. He struggles to choose between his passions or a girl’s approval.
In the exposition of the short story, the narrator asks his neighbor Sheila Mant on a date. He is overjoyed when she says yes. As the story goes on, the narrator struggles to please Sheila. He attempts to explain his love of fishing; however, Sheila is uninterested. In the rising action of the story, the narrator hooks a bass. According to the passage, it was the ‘biggest bass’ the narrator has ever caught. While ‘every instinct has told [the narrator] to pick up the rod and strike back at the bass,’ he reluctantly focuses back on pleasing Sheila, who believes fishing is ‘dumb.’ Thus the falling action of the story is when he choses Sheila over the bass. He would not have chosen the bass over Sheila, since he has put exorbitant effort trying to please Sheila: ‘polishing the canoe all day’ (line 2 of page 2), ‘arranging cushions’ (line 7 of page 2), and preparing a ‘speech’ (line 52 of page 1). The resolution in the story is concluded he never made the mistake of abandoning his passions for the affections of another person, especially one as fickle as Shelia Mant.

About the Artwork…

The artwork is relevant to the short story, “Bass, The River, and Sheila Mant.” The story mentions how Sheila has ‘long red hair’. The artwork demonstrates a girl with red hair sitting on a canoe. Seemingly, the girl in the artwork is Sheila Mant. The point of view of the this artwork is taken from the narrator. My artwork supports the poem because it displays the protagonist’s perspective of Sheila Mant. I named the title ‘Bass VS. Bat’, because the protagonist defines the bass as a ‘bat’ to Sheila Mant when she asks “what was that”.

Please enjoy!

Image Source: Canoe and a girl

Made with Canva

Finding Conflict in “Bass, River and Sheila Mant”

The found poem above was taken from pages 3 to 4 of the short story “Bass, The River, and Shelia Mant” by WD Wetherell. This story indicates an internal conflict between the protagonist, the narrator, and the antagonist, Sheila Mant, the girl the narrator asks out.
In the exposition of the short story, the narrator asks his neighbor Sheila Mant on a date. He is overjoyed when she says yes. As the story goes on, the narrator struggles to please Sheila. He attempts to explain his love of fishing; however, Sheila is uninterested. In the rising action of the story, the narrator hooks a bass. According to the passage, it was the ‘biggest bass’ the narrator has ever caught. While ‘every instinct has told [the narrator] to pick up the rod and strike back at the bass,’ he reluctantly focuses back on pleasing Sheila, who believes fishing is ‘dumb.’ Thus the falling action of the story is when he choses Sheila over the bass. He would not have chosen the bass over Sheila, since he has put exorbitant effort trying to please Sheila: ‘polishing the canoe all day’ (line 2 of page 2), ‘arranging cushions’ (line 7 of page 2), and preparing a ‘speech’ (line 52 of page 1). The resolution in the story is concluded he never made the mistake of abandoning his passions for the affections of another person, especially one as fickle as Shelia Mant.

About the Artwork…

The artwork is relevant to the short story, “Bass, The River, and Sheila Mant.” The story mentions how Sheila has ‘long red hair’. The artwork demonstrates a girl with red hair sitting on a canoe. Seemingly, the girl in the artowork is Sheila Mant. The point of view of the this artwork is taken from the narrator. My artwork supports the poem because it displays the protagonist’s perspective of Sheila Mant. I changed the fonts to emphasize on some terms.

“The Bass” is the title I gave to this found poem. I took extra time to change the fonts of the found poem 🙂 Please enjoy!

Image Source: Canoe and a girl

Made with Canva


Reflection on Argumentative Essay

The two areas that I mentioned well is acknowledging and refuting counter-claim(s) with associated evidence to make my position stronger and using words, phrases, and clauses to create cohesion and clarify the relationships among claims, reasons, and evidence.

Two areas for me to improve are reviewing the larger argument, highlighting evidence supporting my position in my conclusion, and describing how and why an organization shapes people’s lives in any country.

How does ADHD affect Percy Jackson’s choices for himself and his community and how can it be improved?

Imagine fighting through focus, being easily distracted, hyperactivity, poor organization skills, and impulsiveness. This condition is called ADHD. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, ADHD is among the most common neurodevelopmental childhood disorders. There are 6.1 million children in the US who have ADHD. People with ADHD may have trouble paying attention, controlling impulsive behaviors (may act without thinking about the result), or being overly active. In ‘Percy and the Lighting Thief,’ Percy’s choices impact himself and his community. Some ways ADHD impacts Percy’s school life are getting distracted in academics and surroundings, failing to show dedication, and receiving low grades. Fortunately, Percy’s choices can be improved by eliminating distractions, connecting his interests to school subjects, and adjusting to the classroom environment.

There are a variety of ways ADHD impacts Percy’s school life: getting distracted in academics and surroundings, failing to show dedication, and receiving low grades. On page 5, Percy is delighted by Nancy Bobofit, snickering something behind him that he shouts: “Will you shut up?” This distraction shows that ADHD is impacting Percy’s choices to get easily distracted and blurting out answers. According to a Newsela article, people with ADHD cannot focus on one thing at a time. They have scattered attention instead. Since they are also overly active, they blurt out answers in classes. On page 18, Percy’s English teachers ask him for the millionth time why Percy was ‘too lazy’ to study for spelling tests. He complains ‘what is so great’ about himself, as he believes himself as ‘a dyslexic, hyperactive boy with a D+ report card,’ This indicates that Percy lacks dedication and confidence. According to a research article about ADHD symptoms, people with ADHD avoid activities that require focus and tend to put little value on their opinions and ideas. In another example, Percy cannot focus on studying for his Latin Exam. He gets too frustrated to study that he throws his textbook across his dorm room. Percy believes he is hopeless and tries to ‘forget’ his dedication towards studying for the Latin Exam on page 18. As stated from the research paper regarding ADHD symptoms, ADHD leads those diagnosed with bad grades in school because they cannot focus on their lessons and assignments in a non-stimulating environment. All of these above-mentioned examples show a variety of ways that ADHD is impacting Percy’s choices for himself and his community.

Fortunately, there are some ways Percy’s choices towards himself and his community can be improved. Middle school students who struggle to keep up with school can use some of the following examples. When Percy is fully engaged in Mr. Brunner’s lesson about Greek Funeral Art, he is distracted by Nancy Bobofit on page 5. According to a Newsela article, people with ADHD are easily distracted when their attention is not concentrated on one thing at a time. Additionally, Percy’s actions could be improved by eliminating any distractions around him that hinder his concentration. For example, instead of giving Percy multiple paper sheets to complete, the teacher can start with one sheet of paper to complete. Another example when Percy’s behavior can be improved is when Percy cannot study harder. On page 18, Percy cannot focus on studying or try his best. According to a research paper about ADHD symptoms, people with ADHD avoid activities that require focus. However, they can do their best in stimulating environments, respond to change, and be very focused when something interests them. Percy’s behavior can be improved by making connections to his interests in school studies. This example can also be used for middle school students who have difficulty finding focus. For instance, in his Latin conjugation exam, Mr. Brunner could let Percy conjugate Latin verbs with Greek Gods as subjects. According to a Newsela article, students with ADHD like to ‘move their bodies and be outdoors.’ Hence, a traditional classroom setting and conventional teaching methods may not an excellent fit for them. Percy might be more focused on learning environments outdoors involving active movement. Therefore, there are various ways Percy’s choices towards himself and his community can be improved.

In conclusion, there are various ways ADHD impacts Percy’s choices, and multiple ways Percy’s choices impacted by ADHD can be improved. Whether or not diagnosed with ADHD, millions of students struggle to keep up with school. As a student, these strategies mentioned above could potentially lead the struggling students to make better choices. ADHD specifically impacts Percy by receiving bad grades, getting distracted in academics and surroundings, lacking self-confidence, and lacking dedication. However, Percy’s choices can be improved by eliminating distractions, connecting his interests to school subjects, and adjusting to the classroom environment.