Our Stories Make History

Explain how you organized your project and why.

I organized it chronologically because this way shows the progression through COVID-19.

How might this primary source be useful to a historian, or even future 6th graders, in the future? What might they learn about/from your experience?

This may be useful because people might want to know how it felt living during COVID-19, they might want to learn how it was like to be isolated since they might have never experienced it. Historians will see how we did our best to make the bad become good, timelines will be of great use to them too.

What do you think went well for you in this unit? (What are you most proud of?)

I think that what went well was the Confirmation Bias unit, I think I am the proudest of my daily journaling because it was written really good.

What did you find challenging within this unit?

I think the most challenging part was the Journal Entries project because there needed to be a lot of brainstorming to complete all of the entries and I have never tried anything like it before. This was also challenging because it took a lot of perseverance not to give up halfway through.

About Jonathan

I am a PewDiePie fan.
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