Product Design Reflection

In this blog post, I’m going to reflect on my lightbox, I decided to do the Saint Basil’s Cathedral in Russia because of how beautiful and detailed it is. A lightbox is a wooden box that has a place secured inside of it.

My biggest success was finally successfully printing out my cathedral after 3 tries, in the first try, my cathedral was too big, in my second try, my cathedral burned up due to it being very detailed and finally during my third try I messed with some proportions and managed to cut the cathedral out. An important piece of advice that I would give to a future student is to measure twice and cut once and also to check over your work. Overall, I think my project is a success because of the fact that it didn’t fail and turned out better than I expected. This project was very fun and I would gladly do it again.

About Jonathan

I am a PewDiePie fan.
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