Lur Dervergel is my main character, he worked in sugar cane farms from day to night, these people were indigenous before the dictator Batista sold gave their land to private enterprises, enraging them. These cane cutters are called Macheretos in the Spanish language translating to machete swingers, they are called this because they used sharp blades to cut the sugar cane. They gained almost nothing from their landowners and they often were hit or whipped when they didn’t perform well.
Was the revolution worth it? From the perspective of the people, this revolution was great, it increased the financial support for them, increased education, and helped with healthcare. Cuba’s main trade continued to be sugar, and they still highly depended on outside support for weapons and defense. However, thanks to the new reforms, the literacy rate was increased to 96% and the land was redistributed to the poor, helping the poor have more financial support. Though the revolution brought economic struggle, I believe the good outweighs the bad. Cuba still maintains foreign trade and is slowly but surely recovering from the embargos imposed by the US in the mid-1960s. So yes, I believe the Cuban revolution was worth it.