Percy Jackson-Managing Emotions

Managing Emotions



Everyone’s emotions can get out of control sometimes, it’s inevitable, but you can’t always have tantrums, you have to be able to control your emotions, but there are ways to control them and it really isn’t that hard!


Percy Jackson is very unaware of everything around him and is very impulsive.  For example, on page.5 he said: “Will you shut up!?!?!?!?!” without thinking about the fact that it may hurt somebody’s feelings. Also, on page.18 is an example of Percy losing control: “One evening before my final, I got so frustrated that I threw the Cambridge Guide to Greek Mythology across my dorm room.” This also shows how he doesn’t consider safety when he starts becoming impulsive. If you don’t control your emotions, you can hurt yourself and other both mentally and physically.


There is a simple solution, you could use is to start doing activities you like or are calming, you could also try meeting a counselor or talking to your friends and finding problems to change, all this can help you control your emotions better. There are some simple steps that you can take: 1. Ask yourself what are you feeling? 2. Take a deep breath. 3. Give yourself some space. 4. Try meditation. 5. Stay on top of stress. 6. Talk it out with a friend. Though you still might lose your temper sometimes, that’s fine as long as you don’t lose it too often.


If you have anger management issues or you’re too impulsive, just do the things that is recommended, and you will be a master of your emotions. Once Percy Jackson got friends, he became much more controlled since he could talk with friends, this is another important detail to keep in your mind.

About Jonathan

I am a PewDiePie fan.
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One Response to Percy Jackson-Managing Emotions

  1. Andrew says:

    I really like what you wrote in paragraph 3 because just like Percy Jackson, I tend to throw things around when I’m mad, so the tips are very good and helpful.
    I beat Lana’s brooklet hill trial, by the way on the first time. I have four z crystals. 噢耶我要给你showoff我的progress应为我太牛了

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