Contemporary Fiction Book Talk

The book that I am sharing is called Tight by Torey Maldonado, this book talks about friendship and inner conflict. Torey Maldonado was able to make the characters in this book seem alive. I believe that this book will interest many different types of people, this book is for you if you enjoy contemporary or realistic fiction.

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Design Food Problem Solver

In this unit of design, I had lots of fun designing a prototype to solve food waste. I think that my biggest success was actually making my prototype symmetrical and somewhat functional, at first, my design was very ugly and quite unfunctional, I soon realized that using cardboard may lead to more success. What I didn’t like was that I couldn’t make my design fully optimized and easy to use, even though I switched to cardboard the elevator sticks could not work smoothly. Some feedback I have gotten is that it looks very clean and also that it is funny. Overall I think this design was a success because everything I wanted to achieve was achieved, also, I will emphasize how much I enjoyed this unit. Though I think that future students should try and make two prototypes and choose between them for the better one. Underneath are photos of my plans and also my completed project.

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Are You a Humanist?


Extra info:

Are You Humanist?





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Found Poem

My found poem was created from the short story “Thank You Ma’am” by Langston Hughes. In this short story, the main character is a boy called Robin and he tries to steal an old woman’s purse, this old woman’s name is Mrs. Luella Bates. The main character’s first conflict is external, this conflict is when Roger tries to steal Mrs. Bates’ purse, that is why I have a purse as one of my pictures. The second conflict is when Roger is deciding between running and staying with Mrs. Bates, soon, Roger admits his true intentions: “I just wanted blue suede shoes.” He spoke. Though Mrs. Bates shows him a lot of kindness, he is still contemplating as to whether he should run or stay. That is why I have a big RUN! on the page as a symbol as a symbol of the character’s internal conflict. Overall, I think this story is very good because of how touching and accurately the author describes the conflict.


Extra Information on Thank You Ma’am:


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A4 Leather Problem Solver

During this design unit, we were given a piece of Faux Leather the size of an A4 paper are were told to solve a problem with it. My problem is that I don’t have a working mouse pad and therefore, I made one. It solves the problem by using the leather as a base for a mouse pad. My most important part of the design is the rubber bands that stop it from slipping. If I could start again, I would save some leather and replace it with the rubber bands. Overall, this unit was quite successful and I am satisfied with my final product.

Back Side

Front Side

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My Problem to Solve With Faux Leather

Right now, I feel like my locker is quite dull and I hope to make it look better. I could achieve this by making some kind of poster or decorative art. These are some examples of things that could possibly be made into a poster for my dull locker.

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Product Design Reflection

In this unit of Product Design, we made smell detectors, my smell detector is inspired by the Orca from Godzilla King of Monsters. I think I would use this is real life because it can also be used as a phone and a flashlight. I also quite like how it turned out because I cut the cuts pretty clean. Overall I think that my design was a success.

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Product Design Reflection

In this blog post, I’m going to reflect on my lightbox, I decided to do the Saint Basil’s Cathedral in Russia because of how beautiful and detailed it is. A lightbox is a wooden box that has a place secured inside of it.

My biggest success was finally successfully printing out my cathedral after 3 tries, in the first try, my cathedral was too big, in my second try, my cathedral burned up due to it being very detailed and finally during my third try I messed with some proportions and managed to cut the cathedral out. An important piece of advice that I would give to a future student is to measure twice and cut once and also to check over your work. Overall, I think my project is a success because of the fact that it didn’t fail and turned out better than I expected. This project was very fun and I would gladly do it again.

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Percy Jackson-Managing Emotions

Managing Emotions



Everyone’s emotions can get out of control sometimes, it’s inevitable, but you can’t always have tantrums, you have to be able to control your emotions, but there are ways to control them and it really isn’t that hard!


Percy Jackson is very unaware of everything around him and is very impulsive.  For example, on page.5 he said: “Will you shut up!?!?!?!?!” without thinking about the fact that it may hurt somebody’s feelings. Also, on page.18 is an example of Percy losing control: “One evening before my final, I got so frustrated that I threw the Cambridge Guide to Greek Mythology across my dorm room.” This also shows how he doesn’t consider safety when he starts becoming impulsive. If you don’t control your emotions, you can hurt yourself and other both mentally and physically.


There is a simple solution, you could use is to start doing activities you like or are calming, you could also try meeting a counselor or talking to your friends and finding problems to change, all this can help you control your emotions better. There are some simple steps that you can take: 1. Ask yourself what are you feeling? 2. Take a deep breath. 3. Give yourself some space. 4. Try meditation. 5. Stay on top of stress. 6. Talk it out with a friend. Though you still might lose your temper sometimes, that’s fine as long as you don’t lose it too often.


If you have anger management issues or you’re too impulsive, just do the things that is recommended, and you will be a master of your emotions. Once Percy Jackson got friends, he became much more controlled since he could talk with friends, this is another important detail to keep in your mind.

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