
"I have no special talent. I am only passionately curious" - Albert Einstein


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Independent Reading Reflection

How many full works of fiction have you completed so far, as part of your independent reading? Currently, I am reading a second book. The first book’s title is “Made in Korea,” and the second is “Soul Lantern.” The first one is fiction, and the second one is a nonfiction book.    Which of the works has had the biggest impact on you, and why? Personally, the first book I read had the.. Read More

Engineering Design Project-> Reflect & Share

Give an overview of your design process, sharing the product & your learning.  During the past few classes, we built a product that shows an energy conversion. I chose to work in pairs because I thought this would be much easier than working alone. My partner and I decided to build a “catapult,” but we added some changes from the initial design made from popsicle sticks. We created this final “historical catapult” product.. Read More

Engineering Design Project-> Create & Improve

Reflect on your prototype. What were some strengths? What needs refinement?  The strength of our prototype was that, in a short period, the prototype worked well. We did not expect a lot from this because we only had ~4 classes to complete a catapult using any materials we had at school. We chose eco-friendly materials such as clay, plastic, cardboard, wood, and elastic band. These materials are eco-friendly materials that a lot of.. Read More

Engineering Design Project-> Develop & Plan

Explain how you used design thinking practices to arrive at this iteration of your toy/device.  The idea about catapults, but instead of using popsicle sticks, we thought about using wood and cardboard, was a great help. Also, combining ideas and components from different resources was a shift. Starting with the idea of a catapult, then adding the concept of using wood instead of small popsicle sticks, and also relating and linking to a.. Read More

Engineering Design Project-> Define & Inquire

What is the purpose of your device/toy, how does it function, and who is your user? The purpose of this toy is for children around the age of 7-12. In ancient times, a catapult was used for military use. We thought it would be excellent for children who are interested in the topic of ancient military weapons or history. This means our final product will be a historical catapult, not a toy-based one… Read More

Food Waste Unit➡️The Mochi Cooler

In this unit, we had to design a prototype that shows the solution to our partner’s food waste problem. The problem that my partner had was the Mochi with ice cream filling kept melting if she did not finish it quickly.  Photo(s) of my MOCHI COOLER BOX.   My biggest obstacle was: My biggest obstacle was since we weren’t at school, the materials I had at my home were useless because they did.. Read More

Capstone Project: How will we save the world?!?

How can we prevent bullying from happening? It might be hard to believe that bullying has become a worldwide issue that is happening so often that it is hard to stop it from happening, but this is our reality. Bullying is violence that a person(s) does to others. The person who is harassing other people is called a bully. There are many types of bullying: physical, verbal, or even social (it is also.. Read More

Organic Bluetooth Speaker➡️SKY_BLUE Washing Machine

In this project, we were asked to create and design our own Bluetooth speaker based on inspiration and a certain design aesthetic. The inspiration I got was a washing machine that falls under the Mid-century modern.  What am I proud of? Something that I am proud of is asking for help when I am in need. After asking, it is always much better than thinking by myself and spending a long time just.. Read More

French Revolution Journal Assesment

During this unit, we had 3 big assessments about the revolution we chose. This journal will be the last assessment for this unit. The Revolution I chose was about French Revolution. We had learned and worked for about a month on this topic/revolution, which means that we are pretty sure what really happened during the events. In this journal assessment, we had to come up with 3 entries with a perspective of the.. Read More

French Revolution Common Craft Video

During this unit, we were learning about different Revolutions. The Revolution I learned about was the French Revolution. There were textbooks, videos, and seminars from teachers that explains the revolution. In this task, we had to work in 2 or 3 as a group and come up with a common craft video. As I said above, since we were learning about French Revolution, my partner and I had to come up with a video.. Read More

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