
"I have no special talent. I am only passionately curious" - Albert Einstein

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Energy Conversion: Solar Panel Car made by Junseo and Reuel

Project Specification: A car that runs only on light energy.

Target Audience: Car Drivers/ people who like to play with car toys.

Energy Conversion: Light energy -> Electric Energy -> Kinetic Energy

After converting the light energy received from the sun into electric energy that rotates the motor, the motor generates kinetic energy, allowing the car to move forward.

Problem: Injurious substances from riding gasoline cars include “nitrogen dioxide, carbon monoxide, hydrocarbons, benzene, and formaldehyde”. Carbon dioxide, the most common greenhouse gas caused by humans, is also released by vehicles specifically gasoline cars.

Existing Solution for the Problem: Eco-friendly electric vehicles without exhaust pipes do not release Carbon dioxide. As a result, air pollution is greatly decreased. Elon Musk’s Tesla is a perfect example of a company that is adapting to this environment by developing its electric vehicle business.

Criteria/Constraints Must I Consider When Creating My Solution:

  • Make sure to be aware of how much solar heat a solar panel receives to operate properly.
  • Make sure to be aware of how much weight the car can move using solar/light energy.


Blog Post 1

Define and Inquire

  • Purpose/Clients/How Does It Function

– In recent days, because people waste energy, by driving cars that emit injurious substances, etc, the earth’s environment is currently transforming into one in which humans cannot survive. The main contributor to the environment’s deterioration is the gases released from vehicles, particularly gasoline vehicles. In my solution, solar energy, which is a natural source of energy, is thus used to propel the car in order to prevent the release of harmful gases into the atmosphere.

– The solar panel car is for car drivers or people who like to play with car toys.

– When the solar panel receives light energy, the energy rotates the motor on the left back wheel of the car. Since the motor is connected to the two back wheels, the wheels turn, and the car moves forward.

– Elon Musk’s Tesla Company inspired me to make solar panel cars. Driving a car without air pollution was a very interesting idea. However, one thing I was curious about was why did they use electricity as their main energy source. I decided that the sun would be more natural and environmentally friendly, so I used solar/light energy rather than electric energy.

Blog Post 2

Develop and Plan

-materials: 1 solar panel, motor, 4 wheels, wooden sticks, sandpaper, glue gun, chassis


1st day: Gather Materials

2nd day: make the shape of the car.

3rd day: connect the motor, transmission, and chassis.

4th day: attach the car body and motor, transmission, chassis, and solar panel.

  • Global warming sprang to mind as the hottest issue in the world, and when I considered what I could create with converted energy, solar panel cars immediately entered my head.
  • Success criteria: Light energy is used to turn the motor, and despite the car’s weight, it must move forward.



Blog Post 3



  • On days when the light energy (sun heat) is strong, it is possible to run fast.
  • Durability is good.


  • There are no devices for days when the light energy is weak.
  • Need to make a case/switch that can stop the car.

Feedback from the Peers

  • Nice idea that uses solar panels as a main energy source
  • Fantastic that figured out that connect the motor and the wheels.
  • Looks really fast, but I think you could have colored the car.


Blog Post 4


I had never designed a product before, so I was quite proud that one like this could address a pressing issue on Earth. As the solar energy increases, the solar panel car I created may perform better and is quite durable. If the solar heat is insufficient, there is still a chance that the speed could be slowed down. However, unlike a gasoline-powered vehicle, it relies on the sun, extremely natural energy as its primary source of power, which offers little solution to global warming or air pollution. Making the solar panel power the motor was the most challenging part of building this car. But in the end, I was able to resolve it by joining the lines together and rotating the motor’s circle. I feel a sense of accomplishment that I met the success criteria and overcame various challenges.


Quiet Power by Susan Cain_Junseo Shin

Quiet Power by Susan Cain

Susan Cain(the author of Quiet Power) shows in her book that introverts pursue quiet and more minimally stimulating environments.

Summary of Quiet Power by Susan Cain: there are many examples that introverts are facing difficult situations especially at school or in society.

Central Idea: introversion is overlooked by society/there is no avoiding fact that introverts are facing challenging situations in their life. However, by changing the right tools and education style introverts can not only persevere but flourish.


  1. Always be yourself. (does not matter you are an introvert or extrovert, you are a significant part/one of society.
  2.  Many places need introverts and extroverts to be successful. (talks about the relationship between Rosa Parks and Martin Luther King Jr.)
  3. Nothing wrong with being an introvert.

I really like this book and when you scroll down, please notice the central idea and themes of this book!!

We live in an extroverted world. We admire the people who know how to draw attention to themselves such as pop stars, movie stars, models, divas, etc. At school, those who regularly raise their arm are usually the ones who get the better grades, and in the working world, it’s often those who shout the loudest who ascend the career ladder fastest.  In chapter 1, the author(Susan Cain) is introducing the definition of introverts and extroverts and says that introverts are ideal. As I read further, I saw so many sentences describing and showing that introverts are overlooked by a society which is the central idea of this book. Additionally, by giving the example of Martin Luther King and Rosa Parks on page 12, I realized that theme of the book is introverts and extroverts, both are needed for the society to succeed.  Hence, there were one central idea and one theme in chapter 1.

  • used bullet points, short write’ in response to questions or showing your personal reflections, and arguments.

Second theme: There is nothing wrong with being introverted.

In chapter 2, the summary of chapter 2 is basically introverts can excel in the classroom when teachers provide the right environment. In this chapter, the author(Susan Cain) argues that “introverts are afraid of speaking in front of the whole class” is just their(introverts’) perspective, they just birthed with it. With this, I noticed that the author tries to message readers that there is nothing wrong with introverts. Thus, there was a second theme in chapter 2.

  • used bullet points, mind map, narrative/information.

Third theme: Always be yourself

In chapter 4, the main idea is a fear of loneliness should not make introverts compromise on a real relationship. The author argues that one close/true relationship is equal or better than a bunch of acquaintances. Because one close friendship has higher credibility and can help each other more. Thus, always be yourself is a really suitable sentence in this chapter. p.91 is also supporting this theme too. Therefore, there was a third theme of this book in chapter4.

Thank you for making it all the way to the bottom of my post. If you are interested in this topic, check out the book Quiet Power by Susan Cain.

(+someone might be curious why are there chapters 1,2, and 4 which are the beginning of the book. It is because the middle and final part of the book is just an example of a situation of introverts and tips for introverts, so the main idea is all at the beginning of the book.)

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