3 Questions

How could I improve

Ewan Kwoh: You don’t need to put many shea butters.

Jeong-hoon Make more to full one stick

William Pan: Make More

Michal Chen Add more essential oil

William C: Make more, if you sell it greater than market price to the custom, they probably will give you 五星差评.

How much would this be worth  irl ( American currency )

Jeong-hoon 4$

Ewang Kwoh $7

William Pan $3

William C: >5$( sell it a bit greater than market price)

Michal Chen 4$

what is good

Ewang Kwoh smell and smooth

Jeong-hoon smell and texture

William Pan Make more

William C: Smells like Shampoo. Personally, I like smell.

Feels like Vaseline lotion, smooth and slimy.

Michal Chen very smooth


How I would improve

I would improve by next time Adding the water in the beaker outside of the one I’m melting.

When I was cooking my lip balm, I added the water inside the beaker currently being melted which was a big problem. Instead, I should have added water outside of the beaker being boiled so I could better heat it up. Next time, I wouldn’t make the same error.