The first step of my design process was to list out the design specifications for this project. Once I did, I looked at the precedents. Next, I selected a few of them and made a list of all the potential ideas I could do. I first looked at ideas that were within my design capability and would be able to be made successfully within 3 days. I crossed off a few that couldn’t meet those criteria. Once I did that, I looked at precedents with potential. Ultimately, I wasn’t getting anywhere, so I decided to change my mind, and started looking at each precedent as an individual idea, and thought about how I could add them together, or take certain parts and put them with others. I managed to brainstorm an idea where I take the windup aspect from one idea and put it with a boat idea from another precedent. That was my final iteration. Ultimately, the design practices I used were brainstorming, combining ideas, the process of elimination, and so much more.

Step 1- take out a block of wood that’s equal to or bigger than 14cm x 17cm, and has a height of 3.5mm

Step 2- mark the middle of the width for both widths of the block. Then mark from that point to the middle of the length for one side. Do this for both widths.
step 3- cut the block of wood using a drop saw until its measurements are 14cm x 17 cm, it should look like a square with a triangle on top shape. Be sure to sand it down so they’re are no sharp sides.

step 4, repeat this process, but this time use a piece of foam, but instead, have its measurements be 14cm x 17 cm x 3cm, and instead of a drop saw to cut it down, use a scissor. Once done spread hot glue over the wood block and put the foam and the wood together.

Step 5, hot glue a popsicle onto the bottom left corner of the foam square shape area. It should be 3cm from the bottom of the block. Make sure it’s 1 cm from the left side of the foam. Hot glue a popsicle onto the bottom right corner of the square shape area. It should be 3cm from the bottom of the block. it should also be 1 cm from the right side of the block.
Step 6, take two popsicle sticks. Go to the middle of it and use a knife to cut 50% of the width of the popsicle sticks.
Step 7 Ounce there is a cut in the middle of the popsicle for both popsicles, put hot glue in the cut for one popsicle, and stick both middles with cuts together. It should look like a big plus sign.
step 8 Cut 2 pieces of foam that are bigger or equal to  3cm x 3cm x 2 cm until their measurements are both 3cm x 3cm x 2 cm.

Step 9 Cut 2 pieces of wood that are bigger or equal to 3cm x 3cm x 1 cm until their measurements are both 3cm x 3 cm x 1 cm.
Step 10 put hot glue onto the wood, then glue it on top of the foam. Do this for both pieces of foam and wood.

Step 11, glue your 2 pieces of foam and wood onto the bottom of the 2 popsicle sticks from step 5. The blocks you made should be on the same side of the popsicle from the foam and wood block from step 5.
step 12 Take a rubber band, and stretch it then put it between the 2 popsicle sticks from step 5.
step 13 Take the popsicle stick from step 7 and put it between the rubber band.

Optional- decorate the product in any way you want that is kid-appropriate. It would be best if the decorations used to appeal to children.


Success criteria
– boat can float in water
-boat can effectively move in the water
– boat has no dangerous edges that could hurt a kid. The product should be smooth.
-boat can show energy transfer