The book “The 57 Bus” is by Dashka Slater, and in the book, it introduced two person that has an entirely different lives, one called Sasha, and one called Richard. Sasha is agender, and prefer other people to call her they, since there isn’t any proper nouns for people that are a gender. Richard is a boy who is born in a place where crimes usually happen, so discrimination is a really common thing for him. In the book it also talked about Sasha and Richard, they has met on a bus, and the things that happened on the bus. It’s really interesting that many things that was introduced before, has a connection with them, which affected their personality and how they choose to live their lives. The central idea of this book is identity and discrimination, because in the part where the author is introducing Sasha’s life, the author gave lots of examples to prove that the LGBT community had not been widely spreed and accepted, which made an connection with identity. Further more, in the part where the author is introducing Richard’s life, they author also gave lots of examples to prove that in the city Richard was living, many people has been treated differently, and that eventually connects to discrimination. Overall, I think that this book is really interesting, and I will defiantly recommend this book to everyone who like books that has an amazing reversal at the end.