
"I have no special talent. I am only passionately curious" - Albert Einstein

Category: Science

Reflect and Share (Science 9 Design Project)

  1. Give an overview of your design process, sharing the product & your learning. 

In this project, we designed our own product that converts energy and can be used to teach energy conversion. Brainstorming is our first step. We think, researched existing products, and came up with & drew our own designs. After approval, we then started to gather materials, and make our prototype. At last, I and my groupmate created a product showing the conversion of electrical energy (potential energy) to light energy. Our product is designed to teach our intended audience, 6-12 years old children (elementary students), how the circuit diagram is applied to real life, and the conversion of electronic energy (potential energy) to light energy. I gained a lot from this project. I get to review knowledge from before about electricity, I get to learn about how to draw a nice and precise design, and I get to bring my design into real life. Even though there were many problems that occurred during the making process, we still found ways to solve them, to make our product better. 


        2. Use your own success criteria to discuss the strengths and weaknesses of the product. 

 According to our success criteria, I and my groupmate did a great job constructing the light bulb, wires, and batteries, since we were able to control the light with the light switch, and it worked perfectly well. However, there is still space for improvement in the effect of education because the connection between the circuit diagram and real life is not evident. Therefore, to improve, I think I can add captions and diagrams to the model to strengthen the children’s understanding of the conversion of electronic energy (potential energy) to light energy.


  1. Explain how and why your toy/device meets the design specifications. 

 For our product, we chose a very simple and basic circuit diagram, which fits our target audience, elementary students from ages 6 to 12. Moreover, our house and circuit were also very well made with many details in it, which meets our goal for the light bulb to be successfully lit up and controlled by the switch.


  1. Other reflections: What are you most proud of? What was most challenging? 

I am most proud of our house because it also turned out pretty well in wood even though we were not able to use the 3D printer because our house is too big for the 3D printer to print perfectly. In addition, the 3D modeling part, from my perspective, was the most challenging because I do not often do 3D modeling, so I am very unfamiliar with the website and how to 3D model. However, we still went through it and got it finished.

Create and Improve (Science 9 Design Project)

  1. Reflect on your prototype. What were some strengths? What needs refinement? 


  • Our light bulb is able to light up and controlled by the light switch 
  • The house and the telegraph pole turned out well, they were strongly attached. 


  • The light was not outstanding, part of it was covered by the house. Therefore, we decided to paint the inside of the house black, to make the light more visible.  


         2. Outline the feedback you received from peers. Share some changes you will make as a result of this feedback. 

The main problem I recognized from the feedback that I have received is that most of the light was blocked by the house, which makes it difficult to see. Therefore, we decided to paint the inside of the house black, to make it more visible.  


         3. Include photos of your prototype and details of the feedback received. 


Feedback received⬆️

Photos and video of our prototype⬆️

Develop and Plan (Science 9 Design Project)

  1. Explain how you used design thinking practices to arrive at this iteration of your toy/device.

To arrive at this iteration of my toy, me and my groupmate estimated a reasonable size for our model (house and base) to make sure that it would not be too big or too small, drew a detailed model with labels, specific measurements, and perspectives to make sure the size of our toy is precise, and that our toy is structured correctly, and lastly, we researched a simple circuit diagram and tutorial videos to prevent making mistakes.  

       2. Share your design concept–>show photos, measurements, materials, and techniques needed for construction. 


  • 3D printer (will be replaced by 6 pieces of wood) 
  • Color–>white 
  • 4 batteries 
  • 4 wood sticks 
  • 2 light bulbs 
  • 1 switch 
  • 1 ruler 
  • 1 pencil 
  • 1 paintbrush
  • 1 utility knife 
  • 1 battery container
  • Tape
  • Black paint
  • 50x50cm wood (base) 
  • 50×50 fake grass 
  • Glue gun  
  • Wires with clamps on it

The materials listed above are the materials that we planned to be using. However, problems occurred (will be later mentioned in blog post #4 about reflection) during the 3D printing process. Therefore, the 3D printer will be replaced by 6 pieces of wood. 


  • House: 
  • 20cm long 
  • 10cm wide 
  • 10cm tall 
  • The roof of the house 
  • 20cm long 
  • 10cm wide 
  • Telegraph pole 
  • 30cm tall 
  • 10cm wide 

The measurements will stay the same with the 6 pieces of wood.

Techniques needed for construction: 

  • Using the glue gun to glue the parts together 
  • 3D modeling (failed)
  • Laser cutting wood
  • Painting

Picture of our final design ⬆️

       3. Develop a detailed plan for creating the preferred design, including success criteria.  


  1. Use TinkerCad to 3d model the house. 
  2. Use the 3d printer to print the model out. 
  3. Use the glue gun to glue the pieces (house, roof of the house) together. 
  4. Use the glue gun to glue the 4 wooden sticks together (telegraph pole). 
  5. Use the ruler and the pencil to measure the fake grass and wood (base). 
  6. Use the utility knife to cut the fake grass and wood (base). 
  7. Put the 4 batteries into  the battery container
  8.  Use the clamps on the wires to connect the batteries to the light bulb.
  9.  Use tape to stick the light bulb, wires, and batteries onto the 50x50cm wooden board (base).
  10. Use the utility knife to cut out part of the fake grass where the house and the telegraph pole is going to be.
  11. Use the glue gun to stick the 50x50cm fake grass onto the wooden board (base).
  12. Use the glue gun to stick the 6 pieces of wood together (house).
  13. Paint the inside of the house black, using black paint and a paintbrush.
  14. Use the glue gun to stick the 4 wooden sticks together (telegraph pole)
  15. Use the glue gun to stick the house onto the wooden board, keeping the light inside the house.
  16. Use the glue gun to stick the telegraph pole onto the wooden board beside the switch.

Success Criteria: 

  • I will be successful if: 
  • The light bulb can be successfully lit up and controlled by the switch. 
  • People can see the connection between the circuit diagram and real life.  
  • The intended audience can be educated about how the light switch & circuit diagram works, and where the electricity comes from. 

Design and Inquire (Science 9 Design Project)

  1. What is the purpose of your device/toy, how does it function, and who is your user?

The purpose of my educational toy would be to educate children from age group 6-10 (elementary students) about the solar pannel’s scientific priciple. About how it recieve solar energy from the sun, and use the energy to create light.

2. What is the environmental impact of your product and is it durable and safe?

To make it environmental friendly and safe, we will be using recycleable cardboards, and working with simple structures and electronics.

3. What precedents inspired you? What did you take away from them & how did it inform your choices?

We are inspired by this model (shown below). We will be making a house similar to this with solar panel lighting, but adding more of our thoughts to make it more creative.


  1. How are you making you product original and/or using creativity?

We utilize recyclable cardboard and supplies from the school to create a unique product. These value boards are provided by the school, and the kids utilize the leftover materials. The leftover materials will be recycled, which is beneficial for the environment. For the purpose of making it cartoonish and more enjoyable for primary school pupils, we will also add colors and backdrops. In order for the gadget to function and illuminate the house, we will also add a light source.


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