Organic Bluetooth Speaker–Product design

In this unit of product design, we were asked to design a bluetooth speaker box with a certain design aesthetics. I used the organic aesthetics because I was inspired by an image of a beehive on google.

Struggle & challenge:

I struggled with making the kerf bent box because it was difficult to create one with the right bend radius so that the bent panel won’t break. To get this final product, I did multiple trials with both cardboard and wood. It kept on breaking because the width of the cut line was too small.

A new skill:

Over the course of this project, I gained the skill of using affinity designer. I learned how to create shapes and assemble the shapes together to make a more complex pattern in Affinity Designer.

An aspect I’m proud of:

I’m proud of the holes I made for the buttons because it turned out that my measurements were perfect, therefore the sizes were also just right. It only shows the buttons and leaves no extra space that will show the inside of the box.

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