Blog Post 4: Reflect & Share

Sharing the Product:

Our product is an elastic-band ornithopter that resembles a peacock. When being used, it converts elastic potential energy to kinetic energy. Specifically, when the user rotates the propeller on it, connected rubber band is twisted and therefore stores potential energy in it. This energy transforms into kinetic energy when the user lets go of the handle, as the rubber band will start to unwind and power the wings attached to it to flap.

Design process:

The process of creating this product was first set off with inspirations that I found on YouTube—rubber band powered flying butterfly and other DIY flying machines. I was fascinated by the mechanism that brought the paper butterfly to life—enabling it to fly. Hence, I was determined to create something similar. The research process eventually introduced me to the ornithopter flying machine invented by Leonardo da Vinci. Seeing how this could demonstrate a conversion of elastic potential energy to kinetic energy—also deeply attracted by the intelligence of the design—I settled down with the idea. Then, I began envisioning how it will look for our project; subsequently, identifying the purpose and the targeted audience. Me and partner agreed upon the overall outline that this device will be created to entertain children predominately in the age range of 6-12, and it should be able to flap its wings in imitation of birds.

Hoping to add our own creativity and originality into the design, I searched up different types of birds that I could shape the outer appearance of the product into and drew sketches on iPad. At last, we arrived at the concept of making the ornithopter resemble the appearance of a peacock—having considered that it is one of the world’s most exquisite bird, whose vibrant colors may help attract the young users.

Following, came the developing and planning stage, where we formulated the success criteria for the project and a plan for the arrangement of time. Then, with the help of the tutorial video online, we were quickly able to determine the procedures, building techniques, and materials we need for the construction process, listed in the previous blogs.

However, we did not entirely follow the video, making multiple changes to the materials used—to make it more environmentally friendly—and certain steps that we thought could be simplified or accommodated to the tools and skills we have. For example, instead of using thin wires, we used similarly thin strings, combined with the use of superglue, to fasten the piece together, which aligned with our sustainable goal and made it easier for us to do. In the following lessons, we constructed the product in the sequence of building the fundamental wooden structure; assembling the components that creates the mechanism; finally, decorating the product with the colorful wing and tail.


The most important lesson I learned is that, during an engineering process, patience could sometimes be the most influential factors that determines your success. When I reflected on the moments of failure and success, I was able to notice a pattern. Whenever we tried to rush through some steps or skip over some measurements, we were almost destined to fail, but when we slowed down and carefully worked through the formulated plan, things become a lot easier. For example, the first time when we were creating the propeller, we paid little attention to the key details, which led us to failure. In the second time, we followed each step and measurement precisely, and the product turned out much more successful. Another key learning would be effective time management and organization. At first, we both worked on the same parts together, which caused us to make extremely slow progresses. After realizing this problem, we divided the task into smaller parts among ourselves to work more individually. This increased our work efficiency significantly.

Assessing against the rubric & success criteria:

I did look through many precedents and used them to develop our own design. However, I think I only mainly focused on looking at the ones that are highly related/similar to my design idea (rubber band flying machine) but not including a diversity of ideas from different sources, to explore the different mechanisms and energy that I could’ve used besides elastic potential energy. Yet, the overall documenting and the developing of the concepts were detailed and specific. I also thoroughly reflected through the feedbacks to identify areas for improvement (written in previous blogs).

Lastly, looking at our success criteria, I think we achieved nearly two of the three. The prototype did not break during all the trials, and it is able to move successfully. However, the weaknesses are that sometimes only one of the wings flap and ever was the prototype actually able to fly due to the low frequency of the flapping movements and, possibly, overweighting.

Explain how and why your toy/device meets the design specifications.

It meets the design specifications because it successfully demonstrated the energy conversion that this project aimed to explore. The out appearance of our design was also commented by many of our peers as creative and interesting, meaning that it is highly likely for it to also appeals to the interests of the younger children, who are our targeted audience. Apart from that, the partially hand-powering part of this device also contributes to its entertaining purpose. Additionally, the product has minimal effects on the environment compared to the toys that are commonly made from plastic today, as most of the materials are all from biodegradable and renewable resources.

Other reflections: What are you most proud of? What was most challenging?

I was proud that me and my partner, who both have little independent engineering experiences, were able to complete the construction of the product within the given dates and resource, and actually make this relatively complicated mechanism/design work, despite the fact that it cannot fly. I was also proud of how we were both willing to challenge ourselves to create this difficult design and our perseverance against the setbacks. There were a few times during the construction stage when we felt hopeless in making our product work, but we never gave up on improving the prototype. Furthermore, the most challenging part was making the mechanism work because it needs multiple components of the design to be successful, ranging from the propeller to the attachment of the wings. These small details required close attention, as well as an abundant of time and patience. It was also challenging for us to work with the pliers, which is a tool that neither of us is familiar with. Fortunately, we were able to receive some helpful tips from the staffs at the design center.


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