• Describe your project.
For this Drama unit we were asked to choose one of the seven options for the “Drama Adventure Project”. After watching Mrs. Northcott’s introduction video and looking at the samples from other students, I found option 2 the most compelling to me. Option 2 is to make a 2-3min vlog of the day of a student in Beijing during Covid. I kept track of our progress on the project planner by setting goals for each lesson and providing corresponding pieces of evidence (mine are screenshots of my work) of what we have completed.
• What was your process in creating this project?
I first completed a project planner to plan out my time so that I know the steps I need to take to make the Vlog and how I am going to spend each lesson on them. So, the process of making this vlog is first, brainstorming the scenes I want to film; second, start filming the short video clips I need (waking up, online classes, going outside, doing homework, covid testing, other interesting parts of my life…); third, editing the videos (trimming the clips & putting them together, adding BGM & transitions+effects, adding narration+captions); and lastly, posting the vlog on Blogs. I followed these steps based on the project planner every lessons.
• What did you learn from this process?
learned how to create a project independently and effectively organize my time to complete the works I need to finish each lesson, by using a project planner. I also learned the steps of making a Vlog during the process of this project (I have never tried to make a vlog before this).
• What can you still improve in the final product?
I believe I can still improve on the editing part of my vlog. I could search up online to learn how to make a vlog more interesting through editing (creating the transitions between each scene, adjusting of the time length of each video clip, or even just learning how to choose a BGM that fits the mood).
• What are your proud about?
I am proud of myself for choosing this option (making a vlog) instead of learning a dance, which is something that I’m more familiar with. As I have mentioned already, I have never made a vlog before this project. It is my first time trying it out and I feel it turned out better than what I expected (I imagined that it would be quite hard to do the filming and editing), because process of making it could be considered as an enjoyable experience. I also proud about the fact that I worked on & planned out this project independently.