Lip balm t1

The first trial didn’t turn out very well. First, because there wasn’t enough liquid in the container, a hole formed in the center of the lip balm. Second, the feedback that I got from my partner is that it felt a bit dry when tested on hand. I think I would add more oil and shea butter to make it more moisturizing. However, I do like the scent.

#2 recipe:

1.9 g shea butter
1.9 g grape-seed oil
1.15 g beeswax
0.05 g of essential oils

Lip balm recipe

Material list:

  1. shea butter
  2. grape-seed oil
  3. beeswax
  4. essential oils (vanilla)


1.6 g shea butter
2.2 g grape-seed oil
1.15 g beeswax
0.05 g of essential oils


1. Add shea butter, grapeseed oil, and beeswax to a glass bowl and heat until completely melted, using the double boiler method. (Double boiler method– place bowl on a pot of gently simmering water and stir frequently)

2. Remove from heat.

3. Add essential oils and mix until combined.

4. Transfer into containers of choice.

5. Place into the fridge or freezer to set.