Engineering Project Reflect & Share

Through my project, which was a windmill powering a LED light, learned multiple design techniques and scientific knowledge through the process. The idea for my prototype originated from a YouTube tutorial video. Most of the steps that I took during my practical-making process were following the procedure of the video, but also made my own changes to the design which made the prototype more efficient. During the two weeks of working on this project, I encountered impediments and tried my best to overcome them successfully. Unfortunately, the project did not function as I expected, even after multiple changes to the design.

  1. Which success criteria do you think was the hardest to achieve and why?

The success criteria that was hardest to achieve is the second criteria: the LED light would be successfully powered through wind power. Theoretically, my design could create enough energy to power the LED light; however, I did not discern where the mistake is in my practical prototype, causing the failure of the energy transformation. During my planning stage, I did not thoroughly consider all the possibilities of my prototype and how it might encounter problems. If I were to reconsider and go through the design process again, I would test my prototype out at least one class prior to the last class, so that I could have time for more testing out and improving my prototype if it does not work as expected. The unsuccessful result of this criteria can be traced back to my lack of research on simple circuits and time management skills.

  1. What was your 2nd and 3rd best idea, and after completing the project do you think either of those ideas would have worked better than your current idea?

My second-best idea was to make a lava lamp, the idea was not taken into consideration because it was not the most practice idea (the process was too time-consuming, and the materials are hard to be found in the lava lamp tutorial video which I found, this can be seen in the Define and Inquire post). Additionally, the final product does not present energy transformation as sufficiently as the windmill. After completing the windmill project, I do not think that I should have chosen the lava lamp instead. The windmill’s difficulty level is more suitable for me, and if the windmill encountered problems that I did not have enough time and knowledge to solve, the lava lamp (being more difficult) could have caused more difficult impediments on my project.

  1. What impact did your initial audience analysis have on your final product?

My initial audience, since the design was originally to be a cloud lamp, was children, female users, or young adults. However, this project is not a project that was designed for marketing and producing large quantities, the consideration of my audience’s preferences was not my main focus in this project.

  1. What impact did your initial problem analysis have on your planning?

My initial problem analysis was constantly reminding me. It stated the problems with time management and safety; therefore, I was always aware of the high temperature and sharp equipment in my practical process. I did not, however, identify the problem with technical difficulties. If I were to reconsider my problems, I should have definitely added problems such as how to use certain technology in the design lab or how to make sure a circuit is functioning according to plan.

  1. From a project management standpoint, how effective was your time management?

My overall management of this project is considerably organized. I bought all the materials which I might need ahead of time and planned all the theoretical documents before I started to manufacture my prototype. My time management was mediocre. I followed my initial plan exactly and was even ahead of time for some days. My project was finished as planned; on the last day of the five days. However, the prototype not being successful is caused by the initial timeline plan. I should have left an extra day for finalizing my product, which would provide me with more time to change and redesign if my prototype does not work. Meaning that I should have brought the hairdryer and tried out my product on the fourth day instead of the fifth, leaving at least 2 days for me to reconsider the design. If I were to do this project again, I could have also done more research on circuits and windmills, instead of rushing to start making my prototype after only referencing one or two sources and the YouTube video (which we have no evidence on whether the information is credible).



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