“Am I a troubled kid? Yeah. You could say that.” -Percy Jackson. Percy was a different student; he was a hero but also a middle schooler. Percy would be thriving in school if he had stronger and healthier relationships, known the benefits of ADHD, and did not go through stress.
First, Percy Jackson needs to have a positive relationship with his stepfather, Gabe Ugliano, so he could have done better in school. A piece of evidence shown on page 30 of the book Percy Jackson, explained, “Finally, she married Gabe Ugliano, who was nice the first thirty seconds we knew him, then showed his true colors as a world-class jerk.” This represents how Percy detested Gabe, which means that didn’t get along and their relationship was in a bad state. In the article about personal relationships, written by the University of Minnesota, it said, “The support offered by a caring friend can provide a buffer against the effects of stress.” Also, it can benefit your health and you can have a higher chance of living longer. A study analyzed 148 smaller studies that connect to health, the research found a 50% increased in the likelihood of surviving for the people with strong relationships. If Percy had more support, he wouldn’t have gone through as much stress over the school. Therefore, if he wasn’t stressed out, he’d be more interested in school, which can make him a better student.
Percy not only needed positive relationships but also needs to know the benefits of his disorders. If Percy had known the benefits of ADHD, he would’ve done better in school. One example of evidence is on page 10 of the Percy Jackson book, “Despite the fact I have dyslexia and attention deficit disorder and I had never made above a C- in my life.” It shows that Percy had difficulties and didn’t do well in school. Equally important, the article from Newsela about ADHD says, different brains are to be respected, and this idea is called neurodiversity. “It was a way to ‘redefine their identity’ and ‘liberate themselves from the prison of negative expectations,’ wrote author Thomas Armstrong in an article for the journal Educational Leadership.” This quote will help Percy because it shows the advantages of ADHD. If Percy had read this article, he would have known that it wasn’t the reason why he didn’t do well in school, and he would have believed in himself more, which can lead to better grades in school.
Furthermore, Percy may have gone through too much stress. In the book on page 17, it said, “I started feeling cranky and irritable most of the time. My grades slipped from Ds to Fs.” It proves that Percy wasn’t doing well in his academics, which may be the effect of stress, considering a piece of evidence from the article said, “Prolonged stress can also damage a person’s ability to perform well in school or on the job.” This piece of example explained what stress can cause and it links to what trouble Percy is having. In addition, the article listed ways to avoid stress. The best way to deal with stress is to practice being calm even during overwhelming situations. Stop for a moment and take a deep breath; this will help people feel more relaxed. If this doesn’t work, asking a therapist, trusted friend, or a family member may help. Indeed, if Percy read this article, he would do better in school because he wouldn’t have that much stress.
Percy was a half-blood, but he was also a middle schooler who had trouble with many things from school. If he had healthier relationships, had known the benefits of a disorder, and didn’t go through stress, he would be a way better student. Anyone, fictional or in real life, can do better in school and become a better student.