Found Poem-Lamb to the Slaughter


The short story, “Lamb to the Slaughter” by Roald Dahl includes a thrilling and dark plot with a twisting conflict. This story is told throughout an external conflict between the protagonist, Mary, and her husband, Patrick. It started with Patrick getting home with an unusual attitude, acting cold in front of Mary. The Inciting Incident, when Mary questions Patrick about what happened is where this conflict begins to reveal. I included the statement I’ve got something to tell you to show the transition, he divulged to Mary the fact that he was going to leave her. After absorbing the information, Mary felt overwhelmed and was left speechless. Followed up with the rising action, where it says A leg of a lamb is where it incites the start of the climax. The action words swung and brought it down indicate how Mary acted irrationally, followed by the violence of a crash which makes the plot intense and suspenseful. As a result, Mary has killed Patrick intentionally without thought, which is also where I have ended my poem as a cliffhanger. The photo I included is where the action takes place; in this case, it is the climax of the story. Additionally, I refused to choose a vivid background because I wanted to present the theme and mood of the piece, creating an eerie feeling for the readers. 

additional information:

This short story didn’t include much internal conflict, which makes the mood stand out even more. In the beginning, it hints that Mary isn’t normal by saying that she waits for her husband every day, punctually, which is not something done on a regular daily basis. Later, the passage shows how Mary was impulsive with her actions, without consideration. It is suggested that there is a possibility she has a mental illness. 

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