g9 engineering project – reflect and share


what impact did your initial problem analysis have on your planning? 

To begin with, acknowledging my time and resource constraints allowed me to formulate a timeline that would keep my work organized. Knowing the time limit offered influenced me to distribute an equal amount of work to be done in each class, allowing me to complete the project on time, with quality.  

Prior considerations of manufacturing problems also helped me carefully think through the materials and procedures I would take in order to enhance the quality of the product. For example, I took into account of the materials I would use. Therefore, I had them ready prior to my practical manufacturing classes to ensure that everything flows out smoothly. I have also watched through tutorials at first to be certain that I am equipped with all the skills needed to build the device.  

What am I proud of?  

This project is completely self-based, and is the first individual engineering project we’ve had. I’m grateful that I have completed the project by conducting my own research, making the device, and performing trials. I’m also glad that I have reached my success criterias, showing the energy transfer of hydraulic energy to mechanical energy. The lift is able to operate like expected, and I have completed the project on time.  

 What could I have done differently if I was given more time? 

There were many flaws in my final project, including mis-drilled holes and areas I missed out on gluing. These steps weren’t major issues, but refining them would improve the overall quality of the scissor lift. For example, as shown in my final video, one of the corner wasn’t even tangible. This was because I overestimated and did not carefully plan out where to drill the holes. I drilled by using my vague perception, causing a lot of the sticks to be unequal, creating an imbalance in the final product. This imbalance of sticks made the lift slightly slanted, which affected the objects it could carry. If I had put more effort into contemplating about small details like this, it would improve both the appearance and practical use of my device.  

 Would have my alternative choices worked better? 

I genuinely believe my choice of creating a hydraulic lift was a success, and my alternatives wouldn’t have been a replacement for this project. I had lots of fun throughout the creation process, and learning about hydraulic force was also interesting. The wind turbine and the lamp would have both required more knowledge associated with electrical circuits, which would be difficult to learn. I believe the alternative ideas would utilize more time, and especially since I was absent for a class, the hydraulic lift was an appropriate project to complete over the course of the two weeks. 

Overall, I believe my ‘Hydraulic Lift’ had achieved the goal of this unit; I attained the goal I have set prior to this project, which is for the device to satisfy the needs of energy capture & storage. I especially enjoyed the process and had lots of fun. It enhanced my knowledge on energy transfer and also allowed me to practice more on-hand skills that prepares me for future projects.  

G9 Engineering Project – Create and Improve

February 21st: Today, I gathered up the materials and started drilling. It wasn’t a laborious task since I only did drilling and attached the tacks in. There were no special skill requirements; I experienced this in our previous bridge-building project.   

However, I encountered one problem that delayed my progress. I realized the nails did not fit into the holes and needed to be enlarged. Therefore, I had to re-drill each hole again to ensure that the nails would fit. This process took up a lot of my class time, so I spent most of the first class on drilling and finding the right fit of the holes. 

February 23rd: Initially, I was going to continue with my plan formulated in the Develop and Plan section. However, I encountered a problem that would significantly affect my final product. As you can see in the image below, the holes I initially drilled pierced through the sticks, resulting in cracks and crevices throughout. This problem would damage the final product because it would make the lift fragile, destroying this device’s purpose 

There were no alternatives other than re-drilling the holes and replacing the popsicle sticks. I realized the cracks were made because I drilled slanted or if I added too much pressure. Thus, I avoided these problems when re-drilling, but this process also took up much time.   

I could follow my plan in this class and continue with the procedures. After drilling, I interconnected the two sets of sticks by using four thin, cylindrical sticks. Liza recommended that I could use a pencil sharpener to sharpen the ends of the sticks to help attach them better, which was feasible: 

This process required me to be precise about the length of each stick so that the lift was evenly balanced and aligned.   

Additionally, I spent today’s class trying to attach some of the fundamental pieces to a soft, thin wooden plank. Initially, things went out smoothly until I realized a mistake I had made. Instead of just sticking on one side of the stick, I applied hot glue on both, which interfered with the movement of the lift.   

I had to remove the glue from the other side of the block so that the lift is flexible. Similarly, because of my mistake with the bottom attachment, I knew the top of the lift had to be stuck onto using the same method. Therefore, I applied hot glue to the alternating side of the bottom attachment, which created a balance and allowed the lift to be adjustable.  

February 27th: This was my last day to work on the project, and I did rush a little, leading to some things that could have been improved in my final product. I followed my initial plan of attaching the syringes, which I thought would be uncomplicated; However, I attempted many trials, which helped me attain the device’s purpose.   

As you can see, I have identified the problem causing my failures. Mr. Walton gave me some tips and suggested that I hot glue the smaller syringe onto the wooden board to stay in place. I followed the instructions and had success! Below is my final video There were other adjustments that I should make, but due to time constraints, they were beyond the bounds of possibility. I realized that the holes I drilled were still unaligned, causing one edge of the lift to be uneven. Consequently, this resulted in a limit on the lift’s objects. Heavier ones placed would probably break the lift due to its imbalance, but I still followed most of my planned procedures, which resulted in this final product.

There were other adjustments that I should make, but due to time constraints, they were beyond the bounds of possibility. I realized that the holes I drilled were still unaligned, causing one edge of the lift to be uneven. Consequently, this resulted in a limit on the lift’s objects. Heavier ones placed would probably break the lift due to its imbalance, but I still followed most of my planned procedures, which resulted in this final product. 

G9 Engineering Project – Develop and Plan

Before continuing with the practical tasks, I sketched out a plan of the materials I will need and the procedures I will take. Here is my sketch:  


Popsicle sticks x 12

Wire nodes x 12



Step 1: I will begin with the fundamental building. Prior to all, I need to drill my sticks, with three drill holes on each stick. This skill has already been practiced on our previous project, so it won’t be laborious. Some reminders for this step in the process is to ensure I gained enough materials, and that all sticks have a consistent dimension (so it’ll be balanced). I will be putting together the popsicle sticks by using a wire node: On each side, I will be using three sets of crosses, meaning 6 on a side, and 12 in total. For the wires, I will be using 14 of them, seven on both sides.  

Step 2: This step requires me to use a new material, the long sticks. I will cut them shorter for better balance and strength on my lift. The length of the stick should be constant on all sides, most preferably to be stuck at the same parts of the popsicle sticks (depends on drilling.)  

Step 3: The practical part of making this project is to put it all together, this step mainly focuses on sticking everything together onto a piece of board. The essential part is the syringe, and how it can affect the lift (shown in model below):  

I will be using two syringes, one that is larger in size, and another that is relatively smaller. The reason why I will be using two syringes of different sizes is because it will create a larger output force with an imbalance of area. For instance, another example in real life is the balloon and nail(s) experiment. A balloon will be easily popped with one nail underneath, due to its concentration of area. However, with multiple nails, the pressure is spread across the area of the balloon, which creates less force. Thus, the different sizes of the syringes would be crucial to determine how force would change when testing out the device.  

As you can see, I have labelled a brief model of the Pascal’s law. At one end, the force is applied from a relatively large area. Because water (liquid) isn’t compressible, the pressure stays constant throughout. However, because the other end has a smaller area, the output would be different. Calculations based on the formula: P = F/A.  

Anyhow, I will be connecting the two syringes with a thin tube that can convey the liquid. For the smaller syringe, the end of the plunger should be attached to the lift to fix them. When using the device, the operator should push in on the larger syringe.  

Potential Timeline I will follow (on hand tasks):  

Day 1 (2.17) : Finish planning, start drilling 

Day 2 (2.21): Finish drilling, finish connecting all the popsicle sticks together 

Day 3 (2.23): Add in the longer sticks, complete step 3 of procedure, possible add syringes 

Day 4 (2.27): If haven’t completed on previous day, add syringes.  

Day 5 (3.1): Finalizing, project due date.  

Success Criteria: 

  • Create a device that serves the function of lifting objects by using the knowledge of area and force – the device should hold objects such as a filled cup, scissors, a pen container, and other objects of similar weights.
  • follow the timeline to ensure that my final project is finished by the deadline
  • The device should show some sort of energy transfer – hydraulic to mechanical

*Hydraulic: a type of energy that takes advantage of the movement of water

*Mechanical: energy of either an object in motion or the energy that is stored in objects by their position. 

G9 Engineering Project – Define and Inquire

Define the problem

In this project, we are required to manufacture a product that demonstrates any sort of energy transfer. The product must be functional, respond to a clear purpose, and it should be original, durable, and safe. We should have an intended audience, and our product should suit the satisfaction of our audience.

Safety considerations:

  • Be cautious with all tools and materials
  • Avoid having contact with others to evade harming others
  • Be careful with any use of electricity and heat

Potential Manufacturing Problems:

  • What kinds of materials are needed
  • Quantity of material
  • use of different tools and equipment
  • Manufacture procedures


  • Time: Maximum two weeks to complete the project
  • Resources: Only a limited amount of material is provided to us. There is also a limited option.
  • skills: there may be involved techniques that I am unable to perform while manufacturing.


Wind turbine that generates light How to make working model of a wind turbine from cardboard I Very Easy

Brief Explanation: This product’s intention is to use a wind turbine and use the potential energy of wind and transfer it to light and thermal energy. As the windmill spins, it generates energy that would light up a lamp or any other ornament. It would require materials of cardboard, lightbulb, and a cable. This prototype idea possibly achieves the purpose of adorning and decorating, however, I don’t recognize a practical use of it, since turning wind directly to light is still infrequent in the highly industrialized world. I believe it would be engrossing to explore the mechanism of energy transfer of a commonly used device in real life.

Mini hydraulic lift. Lifting hydraulic power Test with syringe

Brief Explanation: Any hydraulic device converts hydraulic energy to mechanical energy, consisting of kinetic, electrical, and so on. In this device, a manually operated step is used first, and then the hydraulic energy transferred from the syringe transfers into kinetic energy and lifts the “lift”. This device is used to carry objects and lift them vertically without direct contact. This would require materials of a syringe, cardboard, and nodes (nails and clips).

Lamp Energy Transfer and Efficiency | GCSE Physics | Doodle Science

Brief Explanation: The function of a lamp is coherent, the use generating light. A lamp has a simple mechanism, electrical energy is the input, and heat energy and light energy are the outputs. The video shows the operation of how a energy transfers into light energy. Although the lamp accomplishes my inclination of making a practical device, it still has drawbacks that will hamper my work progress. Making a lamp would be simple, but the involved knowledge and skill required for this device is to acquire knowledge of electrical circuits.

As a result, I have chosen to use the mini hydraulic lift for my engineering project, because it is unique and displays a comprehensible understanding of energy transfer. This device seems like a feasible one to make throughout the two weeks provided, and it doesn’t require too much additional knowledge. For example, the alternative idea of making a lamp requires a somewhat adequate knowledge of circuits, but I don’t possess that ability, so I eliminated that idea. What really stands out to me about the hydraulic lift is that there are many benefits of this device, the mechanism of lifting using a non-direct contact is interesting, and an immense scale of this device is used in everyday lives.

Audience: The audience of this device is open to the public; it is applicable for anyone and can be helpful for a variety of purposes. The intended purpose of this device is to carry small objects, and to fulfill the requirements of our science project. Therefore, this device could also be targeted to anyone who is interested in learning about energy transfer.

The problems or needs for this device possibly satisfies the needs of energy capture & storage. This device does not necessarily consist of the use of electricity, so it would be both environmental friendly and can also the ones who have limited access to electricity. Although the artifact I will be making won’t be appropriate for daily uses, a larger scale of the same device and mechanism would be beneficial.


Prototype  Real life example:

Science Habitat Mini Project



  1. What is your biggest take away from 6th-grade science? I became more familiar with drawing models and expressing my thoughts. Throughout this year, writing CER’s and drawing diagrams were always required, which is how I improved those techniques. 
  2. What would you like to work on for next year in science? I want to learn more about physics and chemistry because I’m looking forward to something new that can engage my learning, and also help me with further education in the future. 

Cup Insulator

We made this cup to test out how to make a cup insulator for the teachers so that they can enjoy the warm beverage. We had to discuss about what materials to use, what shape, and the layers.

1.I’m proud of the aesthetics of the cup insulator

2. I think I would change the materials because after we did the cup insulator, we tested many new materials, and we determined whether it’s an insulator or a conductor.

3. The hardest thing about making this cup insulator is cutting out the shapes of the materials because we tried to cover up al the non-covered areas of the cup, but we couldn’t get the right shape.


Blog Post Reflection

Why is engineering important?

Engineering is important because we will know how to build things and we will have a clearer mind of what we are doing than just thinking about it.

What was your challenge?

Our challenge was putting the pipe cleaners and cloth inside the cup, because the space wasn’t very big, and it was hard to cut on the cup. We had to find a special kind o knife to cut the round side of the cup.

Why did you choose that design?

Our group chose that because it was creative, and it included much effort. It was also different from other people’s apparatus.

How does it work?

Our apparatus was mostly filtering water. We first used a mesh to keep out the rocks and dirt, we then weaved pipe cleaners to absorb and filter the dirty things (more dirt, rock, etc.) Our last layer was the cloth. We didn’t really have the chance to think about how to keep the cloth in place, so we just stuffed it on a cut of the cup, but there were gaps between the cloth and cup, so the water went through the gap instead of the cloth.

Was your design successful?

Not really, the water got through the filtering quickly, and the cloth didn’t really help a lot, so the water ended up being brownish and opaque. We still did a great job to keep the rocks and dirt out,

How might you change your apparatus if had the opportunity? (If no redesign)

I would add cotton, even though it might absorb most of the water, It can also absorb the bacteria since cottons are clean materials.


Save on your desktop when finished. We will post it in your blog next week.