Day #1

Gather pictures or videos for tutorials or expanders. Go down to the design lab to collect any materials needed

Day #2

Plan: Draw a rough sketch of the prototype and start building the actual product. The main part is to find out how to turn on the light bulb

We’re currently done with building the bottom part of the wires where the lamp is located at. The lamp is made out of a licker version of paper, and the light bulb is also the average size we wanted it to be. Unlike the video, I replaced the glass bottle with a towel paper roll and used the battery switch to turn on the light bulb. The lab didn’t have a finial to connect the lamp and the light bulb, so we used wires to sustain them together. My partner and I stuck plenty of straps of metal wires to prevent the lamp from falling, and I tried to make the cordless light bulbs by watching tutorials online. However, I did not get so much accomplished with the light bulb because I had trouble learning how to make it light up.

Materials needed:

  • Wires
  • toilet paper roll
  • light bulb
  • light bulb base
  • LED lights (2-4)
  • paper (20cm)
  • cardboard (10×10)
  • volts (positive & negative)
  • batteries (2-6)
  • light switch

Day # 3

Plan: Find the best number of batteries for the light bulb and install it on the actual lamp

Since the light bulb needed more energy than batteries, we couldn’t find a way to make it cordless and there was only one base left.  As a replacement, we used an LED light or LED strip if there is absolutely no way for the light bulb to work. The LED light lit up pretty successfully with only three batteries. However, the LED lights were not bright enough to go through the lamp so we either have to rely on the LED strip or only the base of the light bulb.

Day #4

Plan: Build the light bulb and structure it on the lamp

During this class, we were finally able to light up the light bulb with wires and add a switch to it with the help of the teachers. The light bulb needs six batteries to light up, the black wire goes to goes in the negative hole and the red wire goes into the positive one. We’ve also cut out the base of the lamp which is a piece of cardboard. For our final product, the batteries will either be connected on the toilet paper roll or the base.

Now our main task is to find a way to connect the light bulb at the top and find out where the batteries will be located. We also need to find a way to make the wires go through the bottom so that the light bulb can receive. the energy. Here is a plan of how it might work out.

#Day 5

Plan: Finish my prototype and start testing it

Since the negative electric wire wasn’t as long as the toilet paper roll, we had to melt it and connect it to a brand-new one using a separate wire and electric tape.
We’ve finally wrapped up the light bulb structure and successfully connect it to the lamp. The base is hot glued to the lamp and the battery box is tapped to the base. However, we haven’t decided what to do with the switch yet. We plan that it might punch two holes into the toilet paper roll and push it in there or just dangle in the air. The only thing we’re missing now is the shade which is going to cover up the wires and make it look like an actual lamp.

The initial product has paper wrapped around the top which covers the wires and has the switch punched into the toilet roll. The bases and the batteries are also covered up.