Drama Summative – The Bachelor: Royal Edition

This is a video that two of my classmates, Ev Poulsen and Lucy Sostak, and I have been working on for the past two and a half weeks for a drama class project. This project is based off of the Disney prince and princess, Prince Charming, Belle, Cinderella, and Snow White. In this video, Prince Charming is trying to find his “happily ever after” by participating in a new season of the reality tv show “The Bachelor”, and the contestants of this season are the three princesses. We wanted it to be similar to the actual show, so the formatting is relatively the same, and we built on the characters in a way that mimicked the drama and internal bickering/controversy one would usually find on the actual show. First, we planned out characters, then wrote the script, worked out locations, props, and costumes, and then all met together to film for 3-4 classes. Finally, we met online so we could all edit on a shared screen and put our input into the finalization of our project. In my opinion, I am quite proud of the end product, as it’s funny and entertaining like it was intended to be. I think that this is a project I will definitely remember for the years to come. From this process, I learned not only how to film and edit together a short “film”, but also learn how to create characters and build on said characters by how they act, dress, talk, and affect the room around them. For me, whilst princes in Disney movies are quite prominent, especially in the original films, they have very limited personalities, other than saving the princess and being the “hero”. In my opinion, the princes would most likely be full of themselves, as they see themself as the hero of their own, and many other peoples’ stories. I also think that they would be quite loud, prominent, and cocky because of this, but perhaps not the smartest or most interesting of people. I think that Lucy, who was the main writer, did an absolutely fantastic job of being able to show this in the script and made it so the audience can quite obviously make understand the characters as we had intended (or at least I hope so) <3

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