The Hate U Give – Book Talk

This is my book talk about The Hate U Give by Angie Thomas. This book was a very interesting, empowering, and passionate read and brought up many important topics in modern society such as systematic racism, racial injustice, and police brutality. The story follows a 16-year-old black girl, Starr, who witnesses one of her very close friends, Khalil, who is also black, get shot by a white cop even though he had done nothing wrong. It continues as Starr faces the injustice and trauma that goes along with being a witness to this shooting, and learns to stand up for herself and Khalil by using her voice to avenge her friend. The theme I found in this story was the people you love often inspire speaking up, standing out, and being brave against those with power and power systems. I really enjoyed reading this book and would highly recommend it, and other books by this author.



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