Category Archives: Photography

Identity: Statement of Intent

The title of this project is “Cosmos”. The societal issue I want to explore with my photographs is the selfishness of society. Today, everyone sees their experiences or feelings as the most important issue in the world when in reality, … Continue reading

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Identity: Portraiture Mind Map


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Street Photography: Contact Sheet and Evaluation

Here are the photos I took on the street photography trip: The contact sheet below contains my “yellow” images selected from all the pictures taken on the street photography trip. These photos loosely connect to my inspiration, Sally Davies; however, … Continue reading

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Street Photography: Techniques and Inspiration

Introduction to Street Photography I define street photography as photographs that capture authentic gestures and scenes in order to tell stories. Techniques Based on the Unit Introduction PowerPoint, I chose five street photography techniques I wanted to practice on our … Continue reading

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Sets 2: Contact Sheet and Evaluation

Here are the photos I took for my second set: The contact sheet below contains my “yellow” photos selected from the total images above. I chose these pictures because I found them interesting and worth looking at again. They loosely … Continue reading

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Sets 2: New Vision with Uta Barth

Uta Barth Characteristics in Barth’s Work Value – Value is one of the six abstract elements of photography, and is quite evident in the gallery of Barth’s photos above. In the pictures above, there is a very small range of … Continue reading

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Sets 1: 798 Contact Sheet and Evaluation

Here are the photos I took during our 798 field trip: The contact sheet below includes all my “yellow” photographs. I chose these pictures because I feel they best express Uta Barth as my inspiration for my triptych as they … Continue reading

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Sets 1: Artist Selection

Uta Barth Characteristics in Barth’s Work Lack of focus. In Barth’s work, a common trend is the image being out of focus. This can be seen in most of her work, removing the connection to the subject being captured and … Continue reading

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798 Planning Artist Intent

Photographing Nostalgia The message of my photographs will be to showcase China, particularly Beijing’s intense and colourful lighting and its reflections. I want my audience to connect their personal experiences to a new or unseen setting. I would like them … Continue reading

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Photo Safari

Below is a Photo Safari I conducted in order to determine which composition of photographs is the most successful and abstract. Personally, I think that the composition in Image 4 captured the subject the best as the framing of the … Continue reading

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