Something I’d like to change about this prototype is that I would have liked to make the door panel be able to slide open instead of having to be completely taken out, most likely achieved with an accordion or zigzag style fold so that the door panel would collapse to be more space-efficient and compact. Either that or making the 2 major option buttons (the 2 peppers) more interactive by making it more of a slot where you could slide different pieces of paper into it so it would show and would give you different options.
My biggest obstacle during this entire project was most likely the brainstorming step, I didn’t really have many ideas for the particular prompts given by the client and I kind of wish I had brainstormed more ideas and searched up more references because I might have been able to use those ideas to improve on my current idea a lot more.
Some skills I’ve developed during this project are most likely resource management and working with what you have. I have a lot fewer quality materials at home than in school, and working on this project from home forced me to work with what I have and figure out solutions if I didn’t have the materials for it.
one piece of advice id give a future student doing this project is to get lots of references, they help quite a lot and provide a lot of inspiration, it doesn’t have to be completely related to your initial idea, and you may not always end up using it, but it’s better to have it and possibly get some inspiration for adjustments that make the prototype better instead of not having it and not improving upon your prototype at all.
Overall, I think my prototype was a success because it represents my original sketch well enough that anybody who hasn’t seen the sketch could most likely figure out what each thing does and what the prototype is supposed to be, but that might just be because I’ve made it so I might be just a bit biased.