Why hello there! My name is François Astor. Of course, you would most likely know about that, since this is my journal you are reading, after all. Well, I’ve always wanted to contribute to history books, after all, details about life and events in certain periods of time have a habit of… dying off, so I’ve been documenting my daily life. And, well, this one will certainly be an interesting entry in French history. Would you care to join me?
Continuity and change
What changed: More philosophical ideas were spread around France. The old social hierarchy was abolished. New jobs were available and those who were not able to find paying jobs were able with several major industries opening back up and in need of workers.
What stayed the same: The country was still in major debt and financial ruin even after the events of the French revolution happened. Most people were still quite unhappy with the way the country was functioning, especially since so many people were killed in the revolution. After the revolution life mostly went back to normal, with several industries going back to their normal duties. Capitalism always finds a way, I suppose.