G9 Science Engineering Project: Reflect & Share

Give an overview of your design process, sharing the product & your learning First I determined what I wanted my product to be, and found some precedents to base my design off of and aspects from those precedents that I could add onto my own model to make it unique and interesting. Then I started […]

G9 Science Engineering Project: Develop & Plan

We tried not to over complicate the design enough so that a elementary schooler could understand how to use it and how it would work, possibly colour-coding certain parts so it’s more obvious how the mechanism works and how different parts work, although we didn’t quite take into consideration the fragility of the Popsicle sticks […]

Science Thinglink

What is your biggest take away from 6th-grade science? That science is complicated but as long as you do your best you usually get a good result. If you were to write your own comment on the report card, what would you say? How confident do you feel in making models in science, analyzing data, […]

My science project

One of our team’s problems was trying to get the water to not overflow and spill into the main container. Engineering is important because it shapes the world and makes thing more stable and useful. Our challenge was to try to filter dirty water as much as possible to clean, drinkable water. We chose this […]