This is a book talk of the book “The Hate U Give” by Angie Thomas. We had to find the theme of this book and use 3 evidence to explain why we believe it is the theme, and also give a brief summary of the book without any spoiling. In this book, it examines the way society uses stereotypes of black people to justify, violence and racism against them, and the main theme that I found in this book is standing up for yourself, and what you believe is right, being who you are, and don’t be ashamed of who you are and what color you are. This book really connects to what people are still facing in some parts of the world these days when people are not always equal and where racism could always come in terms. The main character Starr in this book has also developed her identity throughout this book, finally deciding to stand up for her community and for the people and friends of hers who have died unexplainedly. I really enjoyed this book, it gives you an insight into what people that have different skin colors had gone through, and how racism has affected their lives. I hope you enjoy this book as well as I do!
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