Unbroken by Laura Hillenbrand is a Literary non-fiction book of survival, resilience, and redemption. As a boy the main character Louie was always in trouble, however with the help of his brother Pete he changed his life and energy towards running, he also dreams to join the Olympics, then after his hard work he later qualified for the 1936 Olympics. 1939 when World War 2 starts Louie joined in the military. Then After his plane crashes in the Pacific he surprisingly survives for 47 days in a raft. Until he was captured by the Japanese Navy, and through his resilience and toughness he successfully survived after World War 2 ended.





I really liked this book, and as you read through my notes you would find out the central ideas, and themes that I found through reading this book.

In my first notebook page the three central idea I found in my book were, Belief is a power, Resilience can change people’s life, and having Redemption can achieve you goal.
Having the three of this can achieve ones dream and make them succeed in different difficulties throughout life. Having to belief in something, believing it is true and wanting to do it, then being resilience being tough and thinking positive when going through difficult moments, lastly having redemption, through your actions achieving your goal. “Action speaks louder than words.” Having the three of this helped Louie throughout this book, which I also gave more information below in my notebook page.

In this page, also what we did in class, I more deeply explained the central idea, and pushed myself into deeper thinking of how resilience can change people’s life, and examples of Louie in the book, which helped him succeed towards his dream, and successfully survive World War 2.

In this page, I showed what kind of person Louie was, and how the author presented this character in this book.

In both pages shows the theme of this book, Optimistic, attitude, positive mindset falling in one category, self-respect and dignity in another. From many evidence given in the book, all showing how Louie was positive and optimistic. Also having confidence in self, behaving with honor and dignity, not easily giving up, and always earns his respect.

This page shows the social and personal issue, World War 2 caused many people falling into poverty. Louie also loosed some of his respect in the Japanese military.

Here, I took time rereading, and trying to find ideas then pull them together, and make connections between then when at first may not seem to be connected. At first it was a bit challenging but then after many times I found out a connection that was actually really obvious, World War 2 was always related throughout the book. This also connects towards the theme and central idea in this book, caused by World War 2 many people felled into poverty, loosed families, and like Louie captured by the Japanese navy and lived in harsh conditions trying everyday just to survive. Below in my notebook page gave more examples of how World War 2 have been connecting throughout the book.