For our second unit project, we were told to make a smell detector that could identify any kind of smell around. I got my inspiration from the remote control,  and the satellite tower. The shape was similar to the remote control however it was a lot more round than the remote because I thought that having a cylinder-shaped object would be easier to hold on to.  Also at the top of my design I got my ispriration from the satellite tower, the satellite tower was were I wanted my smell detector to collect the smell, and later it traps the smell inside the cylinder, after a while the smell would then ocme out form the display screen.  Overall I really liked my design, however it was not really detailed and if it was me I wont use the smell detector, becasue I feel like that it could of been improved more if we had more time, if I would be changing one thing I really want to change and add is to the shape, I might want to make it a little more wide and have a handle on the side of the smell detectore, so also it would be easier to hold and have more smell to trap inside. And one thing that I would keep is the satellite tower, I think it really worked well by shwoing that its where it collects the smell, and when people looked at the smell detector, many said that the first thing they noticed is the satellite tower so I would want to keep that part of my design.