
"I have no special talent. I am only passionately curious" - Albert Einstein

Author: Rebecca (page 1 of 5)

Choice Choice Choice-set 2



Yellow selections:

In my yellow selections, I began capturing more modern, developed, and new buildings in our school. As the message of my project is to show the contrast between old and new in my set 2 yellow collections I took images of the modern buildings in various angles.

Green selections:

In order to reflect my vision of creating contrast between old and new I found the buildings in our school very interesting. The use of lines and patterns evokes a sense of depth, movement, and rhythm. Moreover, it provides audiences with a different perspective and overall adds a stunning image composition, showing a better sense of texture, and color, and even creating different angles.


Red selections:

The two images I have selected as my red selections are the ones I find best framed, with the best lighting, and that best presents my message. These two images are both taken off the same building however in different angles, each architecture is unique and can be seen from various angles, perspectives, and emotions as I mentioned in my previous set 1. Something I tried to do differently as my set 1 was the tone of the pictures. In my set 1 I changed the images to black and white in order to evoke the feeling of old, sadness, and help better make my audience connect to the past. On the other hand, for my set 2 images I kept the images in their original color, I even tried to find buildings that looked more bright and colorful which makes the images look more emotionally happy and new, as the color yellow is also called the color of sunshine, bringing about positive feelings. Joy, happiness, and hope are all within Yellow’s domain. Another critical factor that made my set 2 evoke a better sense of happiness is that I chose to take the set 2 images at about 11 o’clock in the morning, while the set 1 image was shot at about 6 o’clock in the evening.

Choice Choice Choice-analysis of selected artist

Paul Strand:

In Paul Strand’s images, the shapes and lines are effective design components that are deliberately employed to direct viewers’ attention and provide visual appeal, creating strong compositions. The photographer took advantage of the shades and created them as a pattern which is the main focus of his photograph. Paul Strand was a proponent of “straight photography,” and he used his signature clarity, precision, and geometric form to capture everything from street portraits to cityscapes, machine forms, and plants.

Choice Choice Choice-set 1






Yellow selections:

For my yellow selections, I started capturing old architectures in 798 which will show my project’s message of bringing back memories of the old architectures with the use of techniques inspired by Paul Strand. However, the framing of the images was not ideal. 







Green selections:

To reflect my vision of bringing back the existing old buildings and their memories of it I decided to change the color of my images to black and white. Having the images in black and white can evoke a mood from nostalgia to sadness to yearning, black and white images can simply convey an emotion colored images can’t, it makes us think of the past. This is also mostly because pictures from back then only had black and white, therefore, setting my photographs in black and white can even better show my message which is to bring back the old memories, I am not only bringing them back through taking images of it but also presenting it in the old way which can make viewers instantly resonate to their own memories or the memories of these architectures.







Red selections:

Every and each architecture is unique and can be seen from various angles, perspectives, and emotions. For my red selections, I have chosen three images that I believe best represent my message. It may be difficult to spot, but the three pictures I chose for my red selections are taken in the same place. Moreover, the second and third image is of the same architecture, we see objects from different perspectives and angles, each different angle we see the object a different message is conveyed. The use of black and white sets a tone for my images and expresses sadness or darkness, but also makes people connect to the past.



choice choice choice

Initial thought:

My intention and initial thought for this project are to bring back the existing old buildings and their memories of it through images. Nowadays people often forget about the old buildings that may have existed for many years and move on to the more developed city centers. I will be taking most of my pictures for this project in 798 since there are many old structures, buildings, and objects that still exist and haven’t been dismantled. I will be using the technique of paul strands’ images, and capture mainly the buildings and the architecture of old Beijing.



Your Reading So Far…

How many full works of fiction have you completed so far, as part of your independent reading? 

So far I have completed one and one fifth of a book.  The first book is Smile and it is a graphic novel. The second book is The Surprising power of a good dumpling by Wai Chim, and it talks about Anna Chiu and her life. Her dad owned a restaurant, while her mother was suffering from a debilitating mental illness. It wrote about how Anna had to take care of mostly everything in their house including her smaller sister and brother. She’s always wanted to be a normal teen.

Reflect & Share

Sharing the Product:

My product is an electrical paddle boat. When using it, it converts electrical energy to kinetic energy. Energy is stored in the battery, and as the user turns the product on, energy is transferred through the wires and to the motor, the mother then generates causing the rubber band along with the paddle to generate.

Design process:

The process of creating this product was with the inspirational videos I researched on YouTube. I began with the idea of a rubber band paddle boat. However, after listing all the materials, I noticed that it was using so much wood making it not environmentally friendly. Hence, I eventually decided to make an Electric paddle boat. Then with the initial idea of the electric paddle boat, I started drawing to define and inquire. I considered things like, who would be the user of this and how it is environmentally friendly.

After that, I started developing and planning out my design, getting the measurements, building techniques, materials needed, and success criteria.

Finally, after all of the preparations, I was ready to construct my product. The whole construction process was really smooth, things worked out as planned. From this, I have also learned that it is very important to prepare and plan well before constructing, which I think I did well which made my construction process easier and faster for me.

Assessing against the rubric & success criteria:

Looking at the rubric, I was able to clearly define the design problem including the target audience, effectively apply design thinking practices to generate a wide range of divergent ideas, and document the design process explaining the strength and weaknesses of my process and final product.

Lastly, looking at the success criteria I have achieved all of them. The electrical paddle boat was able to float on the water itself, it was able to generate its paddle in the water, and it was able to move in water by itself for more than 1 meter which shows that the product was overall pretty successful.


Explain how and why your toy/device meets the design specifications.

The electric paddle boat meets the design specifications because it successfully demonstrated energy conversion, electrical energy to kinetic energy. The product also has little effect on the environment compared to products that were made mostly out of plastic and products that are using a lot of wood. In my product, the precise measurement of wood I have laser cutter out is a length of 22cm and a width of 11cm.

Other reflections: What are you most proud of? What was most challenging

I believe that the part that I am most proud of is also the most challenging part of my product, which was to laser cut all of the pieces. I began by using affinity designer to design all my pieces which I found most challenging. In addition, I was also proud of myself to finish the product even though I was away for 2 classes due to a tournament I had, I found time out of class to complete and finalize my product. On the other hand, once the pieces were cut out I felt a sense of achievement and was able to quite easily assemble the product which I would say a fairly easier constructed step of my product.

Create & Improve

Reflect on your prototype. What were some strengths? What needs refinement?

Overall, my prototype worked pretty well. The electricity-generated paddles worked perfectly and the foam board underneath helped it to float above the water surface. Additionally, the prototype also successfully demonstrated the conversion of electrical energy to kinetic energy by stored energy in the battery, then transferring through the wires to the motor than for the paddle to be able to create movement. However, some safety hazards should be refined. I should consider adding some sort of cover to prevent water from having contact with all the electrical objects like wires and batteries which may be very dangerous. Other than that, I wouldn’t change anything else about the prototype.



Set 1

Yellow selections:

For my yellow selections my intention was to first have the mirror positioned well with my background being some sort of factory which I was able to do here in my yellow collections. Yet, I was not able to show much of the reflections I wanted to present through my photos.

Green selections:

To reflect my vision, these photographs were chosen from the yellow selection. As previously stated, my goal was to show how nature has been taken over by factories by using reflections.

I was able to show reflection through the mirror, and tried to portray the contrast between the objects reflected in the mirror and the background of factories.

Red selections:

For my Red selections with a better use and control of the light and shadowing through the mirror I reflected trees representing nature, and in the background the factories showing a contrast between the object reflected in the mirror. From the contrast shown, I want to explain as society develops nature become more and more rare, factories and building as taken over nature. The four images I chose for my red selections were shot by a factory. The factory representing all the building and constructions made. On the other hand, the reflection in the mirror with tree branches representing nature. In addition, the fact that the mirror has been broken reflects how nature has been destroyed. To add on, having the the size different between the mirror and the background of factories can show how more and more factories are overtaking nature, and how nature is getting smaller which is what I want to present through my photos.

analysis of selected artist

“Reflections” is a project that Sebastian Magnani has presented. In this series, he does not shoot the subject directly but rather captures their reflections in a spherical mirror. These photographs are not only visually appealing, but they also make us consider how we see the world above us.

Everything has an opposite pole. Good and bad, bright and dark, spiritual and physical elements, the future and the past, heaven, and earth, soft and hard

Image Analysis:
In Sebastian Magnani’s images, she had the reflection of a whole new picture. It gives people a sense of contrast. The reflections in the mirror, it gave the audience a different possibility in comparison of structures, colors, moods, and various lighting.
He once said about creating this collection of reflective photography, “There are a lot of possibilities of reflections but not a lot of good ones,” “So it’s not easy to get.” This shows that reflection is a criterion in photography that can take time and is difficult to control, having the camera at a correct angle with the things reflected in the mirror correctly wouldn’t be easy.
– He had great use of the shadows in the reflection and the background. In some of the images, he made the reflection feel connected to the background, while others may be visually completely different. Additionally, through the shadows and lighting in the image, we could tell that the image on the top left corner is shot during the afternoon, where the shadows of the leaves are reflected to the ground.
– The texture in his piece was also shown very well, for example, the rough texture of the rocks in the background, and the mirror giving a smooth texture reflecting the sky.
How does the image inspire
– I believe that it is not exactly the message of the photographer I am inspired by, but the results of his artwork. As a reference to his photographs, I will be reflecting a flower in my mirror. On the other hand, the background would be of the factories and buildings. Through my photograph, I want to reflect on how nature has been overcome as society developed. Trees are cut down and replaced by buildings, and the opportunity to see flowers and plants is increasingly rare.

Develop and Plan

Explain how you used design thinking practices to arrive at this iteration of your toy/device.

I came to a final idea of an electrical paddle boat. Firstly, I believe it is important to maintain the initial design of my product so that overall I did not change the original design. However, as I considered having the product function successfully and have little impact on the environment made me make one adjustment to ensure that, which was using only one paddle instead of two. One paddle is already enough to generate the whole boat to move in water, having two would just be a waste of material.


  • length 16cm
  • width 10cm
  • height 3cm

Energy transfer:

Electrical energy to kinetic energy, electrical Energy is stored in the battery. After pressing the button for the boat, the circuit is complete. In the motor, the stored electrical energy is transferred to kinetic energy. With it, the paddle will be in motion.


  • hot glue gun
  • wood driller
  • scissors

Building Techniques

  • gluing: this technique would be used throughout the design, the glue I will be using for my product is hot glue. I will be applying hot glue to the different pieces of wood that have been laser cut and stick them together orderly.
  • drill: this technique would be used when creating holes in hard materials, like, wood in order for my screws to be screwed in.
  • laser cutting: the technique would be where I design the shapes and pieces of wood I will be using on Affinity designer, then later used to assemble my product.

Develop a detailed plan for creating the preferred design, including success criteria.

  • aim to complete the prototype by March 3rd
  • Lesson 5: gather peer feedback, and based on the feedback make adjustments to the final product.

Success criteria

  • The electrical paddle boat should be able to float on water.
  • The electrical paddle boat should be able to generate its paddle in the water.
  • The electrical paddle boat should be able to move in water by itself for at least 1 meter.


  • laser cut board
  • motor
  • rubber band *1
  • paddle wheel
  • hot glue
  • battery *2
  • foam board
  • screw *2
  • wires
  • metal stick (as thin as possible)
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