
"I have no special talent. I am only passionately curious" - Albert Einstein

Author: Rebecca (page 4 of 5)

Am I a Humanist?

I believe that I am a Humanist. Because I feel like everyone should have the equal right to make their own choices and the value of life and desire. Also asking questions to gain a deeper understanding of how many things work. Therefore I believe that I am a Humanist.

Found poem-Tuesday of the other June


This found poem was created by the words of “Tuesday of the other June.” 

In this story there are two main characters both called June. (To distinguish them one of them is called the other June) June was having an external conflict, character vs character with the other June. When they first met and knew they had same names both were very shocked and unhappy, so named each other mean nicknames “fish eye,” the other June even physically hurt June, However June could not do anything about the other Junes bullying because her mom told her not to get in trouble, therefor he did not want to betray her mom’s words. Later in the story June and her family was moved to another street, June was extremely excited about this move, he thought this move would make her stay away from seeing the other June. However, once she got to school in class, she saw the other June in the same school has her, now not only during swimming class would she see the other June, she would see the other June every day and everyday was going to be an awful day for June. One day morning when June got in class the other June was starting to bully her again, it said, “She frisked down the aisle stabbing the pencils in the air toward me.” then June finally said “NO!” June betrayed her mother’s words, because he really did not want to get bullied by the other June anymore, June pushed away the other June’s hands that were holding the pencil. This is also another part where they happened to have an external conflict between the two characters, physically and mentally. Therefor I chose this part from line 85-94 where the two characters had and external conflict, it really symbolized what an external conflict meant, and gave sufficient evidence from the two characters’ behaviors.  


Leather Project

For our last design project this year, we were given one piece of leather to make something that will fix our problem.

My problem was that I don’t have a place to put my lunch card, and has constantly been losing my lunch card. So to fix my problem I decided to make a wallet, that could hold my lunch card and others like cash. Throughout this unit, I learned how to sew, however, the struggles this unit was also sewing, it was really hard sewing the leather because it was really thick and took me a long time to sew it, but next time I feel like if I had more practice sewing my wallet would look neater and better to use.





my problem is that I always lose my lunch because I don’t really have a place to put my lunch card.  To fix my problem, I chose to make a small wallet, so that I could the lunch card in the wallet, and not only the lunch card sometimes if you want to charge your lunch card you could also put some money in the wallet which is very useful.




smell detector

For our second unit project, we were told to make a smell detector that could identify any kind of smell around. I got my inspiration from the remote control,  and the satellite tower. The shape was similar to the remote control however it was a lot more round than the remote because I thought that having a cylinder-shaped object would be easier to hold on to.  Also at the top of my design I got my ispriration from the satellite tower, the satellite tower was were I wanted my smell detector to collect the smell, and later it traps the smell inside the cylinder, after a while the smell would then ocme out form the display screen.  Overall I really liked my design, however it was not really detailed and if it was me I wont use the smell detector, becasue I feel like that it could of been improved more if we had more time, if I would be changing one thing I really want to change and add is to the shape, I might want to make it a little more wide and have a handle on the side of the smell detectore, so also it would be easier to hold and have more smell to trap inside. And one thing that I would keep is the satellite tower, I think it really worked well by shwoing that its where it collects the smell, and when people looked at the smell detector, many said that the first thing they noticed is the satellite tower so I would want to keep that part of my design.

lip balm trial five


After my fourth trial, I think it was a lot better, it wasn’t as soft as my recent lip balms, however, it did not fill the tube as much. Through my peers’ feedback, they really liked my scent, and they also said that it was a lot better than last time because it wasn’t as soft.  Overall for my fourth trial, I really liked it but I would change the amount of beeswax from 1g of beeswax to 1.3g of beeswax. Because for my fourth trial it didn’t really fill up the tube and beeswax helps make the lip balm moisturizing so it won’t be that soft and wouldn’t break from the middle.  I also changed my scent, because I didn’t really like the vanilla smell as much as the lemon smell so I changed the 4drops of vanilla back to 4drops of lemon.



old recipe(first trial):

  • 1.5 g coconut oil
  • 3 drops of mandarin
  • 1 g beeswax
  • 0.75 g shea butter
  • 0.75 almond oil

new recipe(second trial):

  • 1.5g coconut oil
  • 4drops of mandarin (changed)
  • 1g beeswax
  • 0.75g shea butter
  • 0.70g almond oil  (changed)

new recipe(third trial):

  • 1.5g coconut oil
  • 4drops of lemon (changed)
  • 1g beeswax
  • 0.75 shea butter
  • 0.70 almond oil

new recipe ( fourth trial )

  • 1g coconut oil (changed)
  • 4drops of vanilla (changed)
  • 1g beeswax
  • 0.75 shea butter
  • 0.70 almond oil

new recipe ( fifth trial )

  • 1g coconut oil
  • 4drops of lemon (changed)
  • 1.5g beeswax changed
  • 0.75 shea butter
  • 0.70 almond oil

what I changed:

before: 4drops vanilla After: 4drops of lemon

before: 1g beeswax After : 1.3g beeswax





  1. Gather ingredients
  2. melt 1.3g beeswax, 1g coconut oil, 0.75g almond oil, and 0.75g shea butter over low heat until dissolved while stirring.
  3. take beaker off the heater
  4. stir with a spoon and let cool for 20 seconds
  5. add 4 drops of lemon essential oil
  6. pour into lip balm containers.
  7. let cool in the refrigerator for 15 minutes
  8. take it out and enjoy it!!!




Peer feedback:

  • ” I liked the texture “
  • ” It really filled the tube”
  • ” I like the smell”
  • ”It was a lot better not as soft”

lip balm trial four


After my third trial, I think it went pretty well, I really liked how it was moisturizing well and had a really good amount filling the tube. Through my peers’ feedback, they really liked my scent, however, some said that it was too soft and especially during the summer would break easily, but except for that, it was very good.  Overall for my third trial, I really liked it but I would changed the amount of coconut oil from before 1.5g to 1g now because sometimes it could break from the middle and its because it’s very hot now and would melt easily, but after changing the amount of coconut oil it would not melt as much. I also changed my scent, because I wanted to try something new each time and not just using the same kind of scent, I changed from 4drops of lemon to 4drops of vanilla.




old recipe(first trial):

  • 1.5 g coconut oil
  • 3 drops of mandarin
  • 1 g beeswax
  • 0.75 g shea butter
  • 0.75 almond oil

new recipe(second trial):

  • 1.5g coconut oil
  • 4drops of mandarin (changed)
  • 1g beeswax
  • 0.75g shea butter
  • 0.70g almond oil  (changed)

new recipe(third trial):

  • 1.5g coconut oil
  • 4drops of lemon (changed)
  • 1g beeswax
  • 0.75 shea butter
  • 0.70 almond oil

new recipe ( fourth trial )

  • 1g coconut oil (changed)
  • 4drops of vanilla (changed)
  • 1g beeswax
  • 0.75 shea butter
  • 0.70 almond oil

what I changed:

before: 4drops lemon After: 4drops of vanilla

before: 1.5g coconut oil After: 1g coconut oil





  1. Gather ingredients
  2. melt 1g beeswax, 1.g coconut oil, 0.75g almond oil, and 0.75g shea butter over low heat until dissolved while stirring.
  3. take beaker off the heater
  4. stir with a spoon and let cool for 20 seconds
  5. add 4 drops of vanilla essential oil
  6. pour into lip balm containers.
  7. let cool in the refrigerator for 15 minutes
  8. take it out and enjoy it!!!




Peer feedback:

  • ” I liked the texture “
  • ” It really filled the tube”
  • ” I like the smell”
  • ” It’s kind of too soft, maybe too much coconut oil”


lip balm trial three


After my second trial, I think it went pretty well, I really liked how it was moisturizing well and had a really good amount filling the tube. The shape also was better than my first trial, and I think it might be because I let it cool for a longer time. After changing the number of drops I have of my scent it also was a lot better. Through my peers’ feedback, they all said that it was just perfect and I could continue using this recipe. Overall for my third trial, I would change the fragrance to lemon because for my first two trials I both did mandarin so for my third one I would try to change the smell and have something new.




old recipe(first trial):

  • 1.5 g coconut oil
  • 3 drops of mandarin
  • 1 g beeswax
  • 0.75 g shea butter
  • 0.75 almond oil

new recipe(second trial):

  • 1.5g coconut oil
  • 4drops of mandarin (changed)
  • 1g beeswax
  • 0.75g shea butter
  • 0.70g almond oil  (changed)

new recipe(third trial):

  • 1.5g coconut oil
  • 4drops of lemon (changed)
  • 1g beeswax
  • 0.75 shea butter
  • 0.70 almond oil


what I changed:

before: 4drops of mandarin After: 4drops of lemon




  1. Gather ingredients
  2. melt 1g beeswax, 1.5g coconut oil, 0.75g almond oil, and 0.75g shea butter over low heat until dissolved while stirring.
  3. take beaker off the heater
  4. stir with a spoon and let cool for 20 seconds
  5. add 3 drops of mandarin essential oil
  6. pour into lip balm containers.
  7. let cool in the refrigerator for 15 minutes
  8. take it out and enjoy it!!!




Peer feedback:

  • ” I liked the texture “
  • ” It really filled the tube”
  • ” I like the smell”




lip balm trial two




After my first trial, I think it went pretty well, I really liked how it was moisturizing well and had a really good amount filling the tube. However, the shape of my lip balm wasn’t that great and I had too little of the scent.  So using peers’ feedback, next time I would maybe add one more drop of scent to my lip balm, try to make the shape better, and also change the 0.75g of almond oil to 0.70g of almond oil because through my peer feedback people said that there might be a little bit too much oil so for my second trial I would try adding less oil.



old recipe:

  • 1.5 g coconut oil
  • 3 drops of mandarin
  • 1 g beeswax
  • 0.75 g shea butter
  • 0.75 almond oil

new recipe:

  • 1.5g coconut oil
  • 4drops of mandarin (changed)
  • 1g beeswax
  • 0.75g shea butter
  • 0.70g almond oil  (changed)


what I changed:

Before:     3 drops of mandarin essential oil After: 4 drops of mandarin essential oil

Before:     0.75 g almond oil               After: 0.70g almond oil





  1. Gather ingredients
  2. melt 1g beeswax, 1.5g coconut oil, 0.75g almond oil, and 0.75g shea butter over low heat until dissolved while stirring.
  3. take beaker off the heater
  4. stir with a spoon and let cool for 20 seconds
  5. add 3 drops of mandarin essential oil
  6. pour into lip balm containers.
  7. let cool in the refrigerator for 15 minutes
  8. take it out and enjoy it!!!



Peer feedback:

  • ” more scent “
  • ” the shape looks a little weird”
  • ” maybe too much oil, but is still fine”


what I changed:

Before:     3 drops of madarin essential oil After:       4 drops of madarin essential oil

Before:     0.75 g almond oil               After: 0.70g almond oil







Lip balm trial one

How to make lip balm





  • 1.5 g coconut oil
  • 3 drops of mandarin
  • 1 g beeswax
  • 0.75 g shea butter
  • 0.75 almond oil





  1. Gather ingredients
  2. melt 1g beeswax, 1.5g coconut oil, 0.75g almond oil and 0.75g shea butter over low heat until dissolved while stirring.
  3. take beaker off the heater
  4. stir with a spoon and let cool for 20 seconds
  5. add 3 drops of mandarin essential oil
  6. pour into lip balm containers.
  7. let cool in the refrigerator for 15 minutes
  8. take it out and enjoy it!!!




Data table





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