During my independent reading, I read “Outcast United.” I read a quarter of the whole book. One outstanding feature of the book is the way it illustrates the struggles and obstacles faced by the refugee boys and their families in adapting to life in the United States. The novel does an outstanding job of expressing the confusion that many immigrants suffer when they arrive in a new nation. Also, one example that stands out for the creative use of language is the description of the soccer games played by the Fugees, the refugee team that the book focuses on. The author uses engaging language to bring to life the action on the field, conveying the excitement and drama of the games. Furthermore, I was most surprised by the background, point of view, and time of the story. In the book, perspectives and times were constantly changing. At first, it talked about the team’s success. Then it started from the beginning of the coach’s life. In the meantime, it suddenly changed to the time when a player succeeded in the middle of the game. Then it went back to the coach’s story. I was really confused at first. I couldn’t understand the contents of the book. However, because I kept reading, I began to understand the story’s message and flow.