
everyone is happy until proven otherwise

Author: Robin (page 2 of 4)

today France woke up and chose violence.

my character is a boy from the french town of Varennes who has just joined the town regiment to protect France.
this is his story throughout the french revolution

How to Use the “National Razor”

this revolution almost instantly followed the American revolution as the french funding the American revolution caused a lot of the problems that led up to the french revolution such as a monetary deficit and a massive gap between the classes.


after the king was taken to the capital of Paris he was made into a figure head king and lost a lot of his power.


after Maximilien Robespierre was executed the royalists decided to rebel against the rebels and re instate the monarchy but where stoped by a returning Napoleon.

“it was hard being insane back then”

Ten Days a Mad Women by Deborah Noyes was book retelling the story of one of the first female reporters in New York and her first job, getting into and learning about how the inmates at Blackwell mental asylum were treated. to do this she must make a group of trained professionals into thinking she is mentally ill. The book also includes information on some of her followup jobs, including going around the world in less than 80 days to beat the popular Phileas Fogg from Around The World in 80 Days and another stunt reporter Elizabeth Bisland, a former co-worker, and getting a monkey.

The violence at Blackwell was only actually brought up after a reporter came in, was abused, and then got out, which shows the corruption that nelly was sent in to investigate.

The asylum women are seen as entertainment for the gourds and orderly’s, and are used as toys to break and get rid of. They are beaten and threatened with massive morphine injections if they do not comply.

At the time of the story, there were barely any female anythings to be truthful. So being a reporter, let alone a stunt reporter, was not very common or agreed with. So life was difficult for nelly starting out in the big apple.

the universe of a star

the sun is also a star is a very lighthearted look at the idea of love and how the world can change in a mater of hours and how love can always work out and that the world is not against you.

Enforcement records

Enforcement records 








Culprit                                                                                         David Charleston 




18 years 

Titles  Steel slayer 


Groups  Reckoners 
Residence  Newcago 


Charges: aiding and abetting a group of known criminals, murder, attempted murder, terrorism, destruction of property, conspiracy, spreading false propaganda, loitering 


8:00 am 

The suspect is very averse to fear and believes he is in control of the situation whilst under 15 feet of steel on all sides. 



He has been laughing in our faces for the last 5 minutes. 


3:30 pm 

He just pulled out a pair of gloves from his pockets and put them on. 


4:00 pm 

Red alert the suspect is escaping through the ground! 


Date of capture 


10:00 am 

Approaching suspected hideout of known terrorist group, the reckoners. 


11:00 am 

Storming location. 


1:00 pm 

Siege successful member captured. 


2:00 pm 

The suspect has been contained in an enforcement base in newcago behind 15 feet of steel on all sides. 



how humanist are you

me and me

click for more conflict

button button is the story of Arther and norma a couple who are given a small box with a button on it and when they give it to its owner he says that if you push the button someone somewhere will die and you won’t know them and you will get 50,000 dollars throughout the story Arther and norma agree on wether or not to use the button after the man lets them keep it norma thinks they should and Arther is against it in the end norma clicks the button and Arther dies in a train crash because she didn’t really know here husband because if she had she wouldn’t have pushed the button.



fanticy city


hello this is a recording i did with another person doing this enrichment kaan this is a sci fi podcast on the book steel-heart

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