
everyone is happy until proven otherwise

Author: Robin (page 4 of 4)

the adventure map

i am from a poem

i am from the ipad gaming away the night

the pixels like dancers on the screen

the levels going up until they hit 100

the extra lives gained by exp


i am from the dreams of others

my own goy

my families heart

and the kindness of others


i am from the kitchen

the pots and pans

the spices and smells

the oven baking till it pings


i am from the books taking me through a adventure

the library

the suggestions

the late nights reading


i am from the cats playing with there yarn, the hamsters eating there carrots, the dogs gnawing on there bone

me map

my fridge is a plain

my books are a mountain

my stomach is a valley

my bed is a river

my sister is a volcano

my family is a oasis

my heart is a island

my mind mind is a peninsula

my body is a forest

my reading is a lake

my memory is a desert

my happiness is a coast

my kindness is ocean

i am…

for this task mrs crista asked us to wright a i am statmente for humanities and mack a drawing on a app called scetch book.

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