In the Our Stories Make History unit, we did several projects first, and then put them in the last project to form the “Our Stories Make History” project. I have learned a lot about what happened in the world through this project.
My project could be useful in the future for scientist to learn about COVID-19 and people can know about what we do during the COIVD-19 and know about e-Learning.
I’m proud of my picture collage and 6-word memoir, because that show what I feel and what I do during the time. Things I found challenging in this unit is writing journal entries, because I am not good at writing, but I have practice in this unit.
Viewers of your project will learn that you are good at taking photos. ?
I really like your idea of putting lots of good photos as a collage in your project.
I also drew something like you did to represent this difficult time.
The way you explained everything along with the photos really made it clear to the viewers.