SET 2: Photo Selections

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5. The Yellow Selection

The Yellow Selection_SET 2

For the Yello Selection, I chose photographs aligned or slightly aligned with Saul Leiter’s style or my vision. The most obvious similarity is that most of them have an object at the front, and the main subject is at the back, creating many layers in one photo. The objects that are really close to the camera are blurred, and the subject should be in focus. However, there are also some images that followed my vision. Some of them highlighted their subject by using contrasting colors, and some of them have different tones in one image. As a result, I choose a total of 22 out of 78 photographs for my Yellow Selection.


6. The Green Selection

The Green Selection_SET 2

This time when I chose photographs for the Green Selection, I am mainly looking at the “layers” in each photograph. Each photograph I chose has two or more layers, making the photo look more three-dimensional. The idea of layers is what Saul Leiter presented in his photographs, and since he was my inspiration, I took images with a similar style to him. Photographs in the Green Selection best represent Saul Leiter’s style, and at the same time, they are aligned with my vision, which is the use of colors and highlighting the subject in varied ways.


7. The Red Selection

The Red Selection_SET 2

Pictures in the Red Selection should be photographs that best represent Saul Leiter’s style and my vision at the same time. They all have an object that in front of the camera—intentionally and not purposelessly—is blurred out, adding a sense of mystery to the photo and giving it the appearance of a photo taken inadvertently. Furthermore, these photographs also well represent my vision. They have varied ways to highlight the subject, such as using contrasting colors, making some objects blurred out, and having different tones (lights and shadows). The difference between the restriction of choosing Green Selection and Red Selection is that the photos chosen for Red Selection each have more than one way to highlight the subject; thus, they convey my vision clearly. In conclusion, the main reason I chose these four photos as my Red Selection is that they best represent my vision, in the way I originally planned, and in Saul Leiter’s style.

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