Structures: SET 2

Contact Sheet Contact Sheet   Green Selection Green Selection Initially, looking from their technical aspect, these photos are also well-exposed and focused. Meanwhile, I chose photos aligned with my vision for Green Selection. My aim for this set is to focus on capturing part or whole of architectures using different compositions. All the photographs selected […]

SET 2: Analysis of Gabrielle Aquadro

Gabrielle Aquadro Gabrielle Aquadro is a South African photographer, as well as an Architect and Artist. She is passionate about photography and usually travels to different places to capture her favorite structures. The six photographs above were from various series of her work. Aquadro’s photography motto is to always “look beyond the obvious.” This means […]

Reflection: CITY

For this project, I want to find the world’s novelty and explore the relationship between the city and people. To achieve my vision, I chose to take photographs of window reflections, which provide a unique perspective of things that we often see in real life. Moreover, I am inspired by Saul Leiter, and I took […]

SET 2: Analysis of Saul Leiter

Saul Leiter Saul Leiter, an American photographer, was born in Pittsburgh in 1923. He moved to New York City and starts his painting career in 1946. Later, he was inspired by his friends and photography exhibitions in New York and started exploring with color photography. Saul Leiter’s contribution to photography was enormous. His unique compositions […]

SET 2: Photo Selections

All Photos All Photos_SET 2   5. The Yellow Selection The Yellow Selection_SET 2 For the Yello Selection, I chose photographs aligned or slightly aligned with Saul Leiter’s style or my vision. The most obvious similarity is that most of them have an object at the front, and the main subject is at the back, […]

SET 2: Analysis of Saul Leiter

1. Select an Artist   “Sometimes I’m amazed by how much you can do as a photographer.” “A window covered with raindrops interests me more than a photograph of a famous person.” — Saul Leiter   Lines: In these photographs, lines are often used as an outline to separate the photo into two parts, in […]