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Yellow Selection:

Green Selection:

Red Selection:


I picked these photos as my final set because they visually look balanced and connected. Looking at the photos in order, it created a “V” shape. The close-up- and- black-and-white techniques made these photos abstract, which can trigger the audience’s curiosity and interpretations. It elicits curiosity because these images show uncommon and unclear elements; the viewers have to guess what all the shades are made from, which triggers their interest in finding the objects behind the scenes. Connecting to the photographer I picked, Aaron Siskind, I used similar techniques and elements in the compositions, for example, close-ups, shapes, and black and white. The photos don’t have a clear focal point or a main element to let the viewers focus on, and it’s all blurry, which adds on to the goal of triggering curiosity and interpretations. Furthermore, my vision was to remind people of simplicity and to elicit their curiosity. These photos show simple shapes of shadows with a balanced composition, which reached my goal. of being simple and making a contrast. Moreover, these photos are similar to the photo I picked from Aaron Siskind. Although it’s not 100% the same as his style, I think it’s a mix of my and his styles. To conclude, These are my three most successful photos for this set that can represent my vision and connect with the photographer I picked.

I eliminated photos from the green selection because they don’t have a good composition and it doesn’t match Aaron Siskind’s style. For example, in the last row of photos in the green selection, I eliminated them because they had too much blank space, and the composition was a bit too simple. The shapes in the photos were also too “normal,” like rectangles and triangles, which doesn’t fit Aaron Siskind’s style because he focused on capturing different shapes and unique objects. I also eliminated photos that were too blurry because Aaron Siskind captured clear shapes and made contrast; if the photo is too blurry, it cannot show a clear contrast between the shapes. Furthermore, I removed photos that created different emotions. For example, I deleted the photos that contained too many elements, which might distract the audience.