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Blue Selection:

I eliminated photos that were too blurry, wrong exposure, or didn’t match the style of Saul Leiter. These photos in the blue selection have relatively interesting compositions and the use of color.

Green Selection:

In this stage, I deleted photos that were”boring,” and had normal compositions. I also considered that the final photos should be a set, and should be somewhat connected. So, I eliminated photos that couldn’t connect with the other photos. For example, the reflection of the old man through a motorcycle mirror; is the only photo that has a reflection through a vehicle mirror.

Red Selection:

These are my FINAL photos for set 1. In this set of photos, I got inspiration from the photographer Saul Leiter, who plays with reflection, color, and street photography.  Similarly, I took photos of the streets through the reflections on the windows. From the photos I picked, the viewer can feel a sense of urban life and everyday moments. These photos are taken outside coffee, bakery, phone, and clothes shops. By taking photos of places in daily life and intimate to the viewer, they can feel connected. With different compositions and perspectives than normal, I can create curiosity and intrigue the audience. The photos are all somehow “abstract” because of their reflections, which leave room for interpretation and personal connections of the viewer. Moreover, with the use of different colors, the photos can communicate the diversity and energy of the bustling city. Connecting back to my inspiration photographer, Saul Leiter, I used similar techniques and composition. For example, the use of windows to frame the image, the use of color, and the placement of people walking by. I used a large aperture, so the images have a wider depth of field. Although my photos are not 100% a copy of Saul Leiter’s style, it’s a combination of inspiration from him and my own ideas. Overall, I think these photos are my best ones for set 1, which show a strong connection to my inspiration photographer, and best communicate my vision—realism, diversity, and moments in the city.