Mind Map (from set 1)


Through my street photography in color(not sure yet), reflections of windows, and the motion of people, my message is to explore the urban environment, capture the bustling city life, and the unnoticed in our daily lives. I will convey my message by reflecting the blurry image in windows.  I will use long-exposure, inspired by Alexey Titarenko, and the vibrant colors reflected on windows, inspired by Saul Leiter. I will also try close-up shots and wide-angle views to see which one can evoke a stronger feeling and capture the essence of bustling streets, showcasing the city’s diversity, energy, and everyday life. By showing a different perspective, I want my audience to feel a sense of timelessness, and fascination. I will try both monochrome and color to see which one works better. Monochrome filters will add a timeless and dramatic quality to the images, emphasizing the contrast and textures of the urban environment. However, color can show the diversity and bustling of a city. Moreover, windows will help to frame my composition, inviting the audience to another perspective and angle of their daily lives. The fuzzy and blurry images can create a sense of curiosity and interest in the audience, which can have different interpretations and connections. Therefore, this set will be the “build-up” from set 1, exploring reflections of windows, long exposure, and color.

Statement of Intent

The working title of this set is “Rhythm of the City.” I want my audience to feel a sense of curiosity and connection. I will get inspiration and develop my ideas by looking for photographs by Alexey Titarenko that showcase the dynamic movement and energy of urban environments through long exposure techniques. I will also get inspiration from the work of Saul Leiter, particularly his use of color and the visual interplay between windows and the surrounding environment. By combining the long exposure techniques of Titarenko and the colorful windows of Leiter, I aim to invite the audience to pause and think about the bustling, diversified city they live in.

Mood Board

  • motion
  • people
  • windows
  • color/monochrome
  • photographer: Alexey Titarenko, Saul Leiter