All Photos:

Blue Selection:

This selection includes photos I liked, with interesting compositions, lighting, and focal points. The shutter speed in these photos also worked. I eliminated photos that had wrong exposure, weird compositions, or the shutter speed was not correct.


Green Selection:

In the green selection, I chose photos that connected to my vision and my inspiration photographer. I picked photos that could best convey my vision and had the strongest emotion. These photos’ shutter speeds are in the correct setting, creating a blurry effect.

Red Selection:

These are my FINAL selections for set 2. In this set of photos, I got inspiration from the photographers Alexey Titeranko and Saul Leiter. Titarenko uses black and white, and long shutter speed to capture the motion of people, creating a depressing mood and making the audience feel a sense of strange quietness.  Leiter uses vibrant colors, and unique compositions of reflections to show the diversity of the bustling city. In this set, I used the inspiration of Leiter’s color and Titarenko’s use of long shutter speed. With a combination, I want to bring a feeling of the energetic and bustling of a city, matching the title of ““Rhythm of the City.” I picked these photos because it best connects to my vision and brings the strongest emotions. Although the photos are taken in different places, it feels connected and balanced because of the similar composition and the blurriness. I think these fuzzy and blurry images can create a sense of curiosity and interest in the audience, which can make them have different interpretations and connections.