All Photos:


Blue Selection:

This selection includes photos I liked, with interesting compositions, lighting, and focal points. The shutter speed in these photos also worked. I eliminated photos that had wrong exposure, weird compositions, or the shutter speed was not correct.


Green Selection:

In the green selection, I chose photos that connected to my vision and my inspiration photographer. I picked photos that could convey my vision and had a strong emotion. These photos have interesting compositions and unique angles. I like the contrast created by the shadow.


Red Selection: 



These are my FINAL selections for set 1. In this set of photos, I got inspiration from the photographer Ezra Stoller. He uses black and white and a wide depth of field to capture the shapes and patterns of structures. Stoller’s thorough compositions, and use of light and shadow, create a timeless atmosphere and make the audience feel a sense of amazement at the beauty of structures. With inspiration from Stoller, I picked these photos. These photos best connect to my vision and bring the strongest emotions. I really like the photo with the tree; how it shows the modern structure contrasting with nature. Moreover, the black and white color helps the audience to focus on the shapes of structures rather than being distracted by different colors. In conclusion, these photos match my title of “Structures of Beijing,” and explore the unique perspective within each structure, inviting viewers to reflect on the cultural and environmental significance of these architectures and to let the audience appreciate the beauty and importance of Beijing’s architecture.