Original Photos:



These are the original photos I picked from my set 1 photos. I picked photos that have clear shapes and lines so I can select the shapes more easily in Photoshop. Looking at these photos, the sky is kind of dark, and there isn’t a lot of contrast between the structure and the sky. The overall image looks grayish with no special emotion.


Photoshopped Photos:


These are the photos after Photoshop. The sky is turned brighter and whiter, and the structure is edited to show more contrast. For the third photo, I tried two versions to see which was better; one with a white sky and the other with dark. However, the photos with dark sky and bright structure looks kind of weird because the light source looks like it’s in the wrong direction. I also edited the third photo so the layers show gradual color change, from the bottom dark layer slowly turning to brighter layers.


Final Photos to Present:

These are four photos I liked the most among the photoshopped photos. I really liked the fourth photo of the building because I think it brings the audience a harmonious mood, showing the beauty of architecture. The curve of the roof contrasts with the surroundings of sharp and straight shapes, making this photo not as stiff.  I also liked the photo with the tree; how it shows the modern structure contrasting with nature. The first and second photos, compared to the first, have a sharper and cleaner view, for example, the straight lines on the window and how the overall composition forms a triangular shape. This creates curiosity in the audience but also a stiffer mood. Although both photos contain the same structure, they create different effects and feelings. Overall, changing the sky to a darker color didn’t work well, but making the structure and sky contrast more was very successful. When the photo was selected for detailed parts, it was easier to control the brightness and sharpness because each shape had different layers.