I created this found poem after I read the story “Button, Button”, by Richard Matheson. The story begins when a magic press button arrived at a couple’s house, Arthur and Norma. If they press the button, someone randomly in the world will die, but in return getting $50,000. Norma’s interested in the button, and that’s where the main conflict starts. Arthur says it’s no different than murdering someone. On the other hand, Norma thinks that they don’t even know who’s getting killed, so it’s not a murder. Arthur thinks that better life is created by their hardworking and their own, and one day it will happen. In contrast, Norma thinks she deserves a better life, and if there is an easier way to get a better life, why not? At last, Norma pressed the button when Arthur went to work, and she made the wrong decision, Arthur died. The main conflict in this story is an external conflict character versus character, where Norma arguing with Arthur should they press the button or not. I highlighted words to show how the characters’ internal thinking and their action changing through the story, from thinking the button is ridiculous to wanting to press it. The author used the button to symbolize people’s greediness and selfishness, also to show how people will make crazy decisions because of money.
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