Louis Corbin is a 36 years old peasant living in France. Same first name as the king, but two enormous different lives. One partying day after day, one working as a horse forever, and only death waiting for him. He fought for liberty and equality of the third- estate for TEN years. Was it worth it? Only himself knows. This is his diary during the revolution, of passion, deaths, and pain.
The French revolution, from 1789- 1799. A period of wars, poverty, and deaths. After ten years of fighting for liberty and equality, many things still stayed the same as before, while some things changed. For example, before the revolution, France was ruled by King Louis XVI, an absolute monarchy. During the revolution, France was taken over by the National Convention, the Committee of Public Safety, the Directory… Government after government, but the French people were not satisfied. At the end of the revolution, the leader changed to Napolean Bonaparte, a dictator who eventually turned into an emperor. However, the two aren’t so different. During the revolution, people were fighting for equality, but after all this revolt, many people still suffered from inequality, and there were still big gaps between rich and poor. On the other hand, the revolution also brought a lot of new ideas to France. The biggest example is the new constitution, it played a major role during the revolution, both a cause and an effect. The new laws they created for the third estate ended many of the powers of the nobles and churches. Nobles and churches cannot punish the peasants privately, taking so much tax from them, and every adult citizens have the right to vote. Which actually did give the third estate more freedom and equality. In conclusion, France did face many changes like laws and religions, but problems still retains and remained the same in some ways.
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