One Day ~ Rock Climbing ~ Safety and Technique ~ Tian Tian Ma 6.6

On One Day, 31st of January, I did rock climbing. Our group had to make a poster had to make a poster about Safety and Technique. We used the ISB design cycle. 

Define And Inquire:

We found out what A, B, C, D, E, F meant for rock climbing. And we learned a phrase that the belayer

and the climber say to each other to make sure both the belayer and the climber are both ready. And we learned how to tie a knot (kinda). We also learned some rock climbing jargon like sloper.


Design and Improve:

We made a poster to explain what we learned in the ‘Define and Inquire’ section.  We were each assigned to a part that we learned earlier. I did F, which was Fun an Friends. We drew pictures to represent the stuff we learned about Safety and Technique.


I did well in being a risk-taker. I took a risk by actually getting on the wall and not being scared. And being on an auto-belay wasn’t too scary when jumping down after a while. Every-now-and-then I sometimes look down and kinda get scared, like, I get butterflies in my stomach.

 I discovered many climbing skills, such as smear, which is having a foot on a flat wall, and some holds (I think). I learn how to be safe and be safe for others. I learned how to tie knots and how to belay (couldn’t actually belay though). And the most important thing I learned is to trust my feet.

Sometimes some of the rock was loose and weren’t screwed on properly, so I almost slipped. But I usually try to find another rock, even though it makes it harder. And when I can’t find a place to put my foot somewhere, sometimes I just lift myself up with my hands and arms.

One day is important because it allows people to learn skills they wouldn’t learn that much in normal lessons, and let’s different people to communicate with others who have similar interests.

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