Persona Poster

My inspiration:

  • What is Graphic design?
    • Graphic design uses visual art to share a message, being visually appealing and informing to the audience.
  • What inspires me about design?
    • Seeing other designs through different means inspires me! I often see blogs on apps like amino with creative and pretty designs.

Me as a designer:

  • What’s my most memorable experience designing (or creating) something? Why?
    • In all honesty, I don’t really remember much about the actual design but rather the learning and the creating process to get to the final outcome. However, last year in Product Design, we created a lightbox which I’m really proud of.
  • What would I like to get better at doing as a designer?
    • Using the ISB Design Cycle more and learning about makes specific designs better than others.
  • What do already do pretty well?
    • For me, I’m more interested in learning more about design as I had taken design courses before, so I’m more interested in expanding what I know about the design process and incorporating it into a more specific type of design.

Digital Portrait Inspiration:


Persona Poster:

  • Explain how the style of your self-portrait reflects who you are
    • I believe the style is relatively simple compared to some of the other students, which I tend to lean towards.
  • Explain some of the design choices you made with your presentation poster (use screenshots if possible)
    • I think these three screenshots effectively show my progress over the weeks we’ve worked on the project. For the poster design, I really like the idea of a collage and then simple text that surrounds the empty space. For me, simple designs that still make the area feel “not-empty” is something I prefer.
  • Reflect on the successes of your poster and explain what you would do differently next time
    • For a first try using any form of digital art, I think it’s a success that I’m proud of. However, I have much to learn about what could make it a better design throughout the course, and I think by the end of the course, I’d like to look back on the design and see points I could improve on.

One thought on “Persona Poster

  1. sgriffin says:

    Hi Tian Tian, firstly, your poster and illustration are excellent! I really like the direction that you took with the bold outline and playful heading. You have covered everything in your reflection, although in the future, try to show more inspirational examples and gather/document the feedback process in more detail.

    Well done!

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