This is the webpage for the GIMPS team International School of Beijing (ISB). GIMPS stands for Great Internet Mersenne Prime Search – everyone from ISB is much welcome to join.
Currently, only myself is in the team(2024-05). However, I will expect more people who are interested to join.
This page should be there until mid-2026 when I will graduate from ISB. Hopefully, I could find someone who would like to keep the GIMPS@ISB team running and continue our pathway to contribute to this prime searching program.
(From 2025 March just to show that I am still around) The ISB GIMPS are still going on but no one is interested, and I guess nobody even accessed this page. I will stil let one of my PC work on it until I got to University (or none of them accept me and I will figure it out).
If you are not an ISB staff/student/alumni, feel free to visit isb.cn to learn more about our school.