Fatal Fever, by Gail Jarrow, explains how a girl named Mary lived her life as a carrier of a deadly fever. This book is set in Manhattan in 1903, Mary the protagonist is very stubborn. One thing this book touches on is how the health department started to take away Mary’s human rights. The plot of the book is how Mary is slowly spreading this fever around the city, and how the health department is trying to find out who is the carrier of Typhoid Fever. Slowly but surely the health department finds out that Mary was the carrier. READ THE BOOK TO FIND OUT WHAT HAPPENS NEXT!

This page of my notebook talks about how the health department took away Mary’s human rights. This page goes into detail about how the health department trapped her on North Brother island for over a year even though she didn’t show any signs of Typhoid. This page also talks about how the health department published information into the public eye without her consent.

This page of my notebook talks about the cause and effect of this book. For example, typhoid is spreading the effect that people fear for their lives. It is interesting to see how people reacted to these problems.

On this page of my notebook it talks about the setting of the book and so describing word that describes the setting that we chose. For example, if the setting was jail I would say it is scary, dirty, and rough. It is sad to think about how the trapped Mary in this horrid place

For my last page, I was interested in what solitary confinement would look like in 1903 because it talked about it in the book. So I researched solitary confinement in 1903 and this is what I found out it is quite tariffing to think about.

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